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Drinking the bath water

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Drinking the bath water
By Amyk on Wednesday, June 2, 2004 - 07:14 pm:

Hello -

My son is about to turn 9mo and just learned to crawl... with his new mobility I think we've entered the "I want what you are holding and I want it right now" stage. The past few nights during his bath, he REALLY wants either the washcloth or the cup I use to rinse him. I mean he is not just fussing - but crying like he's lost his best friend. I don't have a problem with him playing with these items - but I am a bit concerned with him enevitably drinking the bath water that the cup may get in it - or from the wet washcloth as he sucks on it. My question... do all babies/toddlers drink some of their bath water from time to time? I want to be sure to fight only those battles that are really worth it and if this is something that will go on for a couple years, I may let him have a little bath water!!!

I'd love feedback from those of you who have been there - done that!

Also, when your baby started to crawl, what did you do with them when you got their bath ready???



By Amecmom on Wednesday, June 2, 2004 - 07:19 pm:

LOL Amy,
My toddler does it all the time. He has a little boat and drinks from it, and then says, "Mmmh" afterward. Unless they are consuming large quantities, I wouldn't be concerned. Toddlers experiment all the time.

By Emily7 on Wednesday, June 2, 2004 - 08:07 pm:

I am sure as a child you drank your bath water. All kids do it. I know its disgusting, but what do you do? I am a big believer in picking your battles, and trust me this is a little one!

By Kate on Wednesday, June 2, 2004 - 08:30 pm:

Yep, they all drink it. I would let him play a bit first, to get it out of his system, and so that the water is 'cleaner' without all the soap residue in it. THEN bathe him quickly and scoop him out of there!

When you're getting the bath ready, can you put him in his crib, exersaucer, daddy's arms, highchair?

Try not to make a big deal out of it, and try to distract him from drinking it. Good luck!

By Melana on Wednesday, June 2, 2004 - 08:51 pm:

my DD has been doing this since she was about
6 1/2 months old. I don't think it's a big deal, and it kind of helps with their moter(sp?) skills, having to take the time to concentrate on picking a washrag, or a cup out of the water while it's floating isn't easy for a baby. I'd say just let it go, a little dirty bath water isn't going to hurt.

By Momoffour on Wednesday, June 2, 2004 - 09:02 pm:

mine are 3 both of them still drink from the tub. I tell them yukie and they look at me like I have lost it. but my dd still eats dirt so nothing suprises me anymore. LoL. We bought my dd ds (twins) a sand box well dd would eat the sand by the handfulls. I didn't notice it to much because I thought it was just getting on her face from playing well a day or so later suprise when she went poo it was nothing but sand. so we had to take the sandbox away for awhile.

By Kay on Wednesday, June 2, 2004 - 09:45 pm:

All 3 of my children did that. They're now 20, 18 and 13, so they survived. :)

By Karen~moderator on Wednesday, June 2, 2004 - 09:54 pm:

I think all kids do that. Mine did, *I* remember doing it myself, and we all lived to tell it!

By Coopaveryben on Wednesday, June 2, 2004 - 11:35 pm:

All mine drink it. I gave up that battle a long time ago, it won't hurt them.

By Palmbchprincess on Thursday, June 3, 2004 - 06:37 am:

Add mine to the bathwater drinking kids!!! I'm a Dave Matthews Band fan so I always think of "Don't Drink the Water" when it's bath time!!!

By Beth on Thursday, June 3, 2004 - 09:15 am:

My dk's did this also. While relatively harmless. Each one of my dk's have gotten sick once after doing it. They listened to me after that about not doing it!! I think it was because of to much soap in the water. My ds used to be really bad it because we were potty training him and would not allow him to much to drink after a certain time. So he would try and sneak a drinks. So its not going to kill them but I won't say that they can't get sick from it.

By Rayanne on Thursday, June 3, 2004 - 11:31 am:

My DD, is starting to crawl as well. We call it the Army crawl because she crawls on her elbows and not her hands.:) She sucks on her washcloth all the time and I don't think that there is anything wrong with it. My cousins, 5 & 8 still do and they are perfectly fine. While I am getting her bath ready, she usually sits in the bathroom until I am ready to put her in.

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