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Sqealing 3 year old

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Sqealing 3 year old
By Children03 on Thursday, May 27, 2004 - 10:02 pm:

Have any of you had your child/children go through a stage where they squeal when he/she gets frustrated or embarrassed about something? My three year old daughter squeals at the top of her lungs when she can't get something to work right or sometimes if I tell her no she pitches a fit and does the same thing. I get so upset at the behavior and I have tried everything to get her to stop and it seems like nothing is helping. Her squeal sounds like a wild cat and I know that children pitch fits at this age sometimes, but out of all the children I know (which is a lot) none of them act like this. If anyone can relate, please write back. Thanks - April.

By Amecmom on Thursday, May 27, 2004 - 10:04 pm:

I can! I can relate. My two and a half year old son does this frequently, especially if he is tired. I'm hoping it's just a phase. I have not made a big deal or showed my displeasure, because I think that will make him do it even more. If you find the magic cure, let me know.

By Debbie on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 01:46 pm:

My 3 yr. old has been doing this, but it is getting better. I have just started to walk away from him when he does it. I tell him he can come find me when he calms down. When he calms down, I tell him that he needs to tell me what is wrong and he must use a regular tone of voice for me to hear him. Then I will work with him to fix whatever he is frustrated about. It seems to be working for us.

Good luck. Hope it ends for you soon.

By Momaroze on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 03:12 pm:

How about a squeeling 7 month old!

Nerve racking!

By Christylee on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 10:12 pm:

Been there, done that... Unfortuatly all I can say is give it time and try your best to not let her see that it gets to you. My son, is three also, went through that when he was about 2 all the way until he was almost 3. As his vocabulary expanded his outbursts got fewer and fewer between. He still has them occasionally but it's when he can't convey to us what he wants and it is out of frustration.

I'm sure she will outgrow it soon, in the mean time hang in there.

By Emily7 on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 11:47 pm:

I feel like screaming myself when my ds starts in. I just hope his sister doesn't pick it up. My Mom says its the Mom Curse working for her, evidently I did it, my dh says I still sometimes do.

By Melana on Saturday, May 29, 2004 - 07:42 am:

My DD is 10 months and does this already, I just ignore her for the most part, if I don't know what it is she wants. Most of the time it's because she wants out of her walker, or crib, or is frustrated, and then I help. I hope she doesn't do it much longer though, she sounds like the excorsist girl! lol

By Dmom on Saturday, May 29, 2004 - 04:10 pm:

My daughters both did the "screaming thing". Dr. Dobson suggests telling the child "I have special ears and they can not hear screaming, you will need to go to your room and calm down and then I can listen." I shortened that to, "Mommy has special ears! I can't hear you!" or even putting my hands on my ears and just saying, "My special ears! My special ears!" The shorter messages seemed to work better. Also, when my daughters were really "throwing a tantrum" (not often, but sometimes) and the "special ears" approach didn't work, I simply went to my freezer and got a very small piece of ice, when my daughter began to scream I simply touched her lips with the ice, don't put it in their mouth, they could choke, but just touch their lips with it, the cold gets their attention and once I had their attention, I could tell them if they calm down, I can help them.

By Emdee on Saturday, May 29, 2004 - 08:45 pm:

My 13 month old has started this also. She even goes as far as to bang her head on the floor, (or pull her hair or hit her face) although we have wood floors so she has learned that she can't bang very hard. I sometimes gently tap her cheek and tell her "no" to let her know that I don't like it when she screams and squeals; I don't know how else to let her know since I can't exactly reason with a 13 month old! I know it must be so frustrating for kids when they want to let us know something but can't convey it to us!

By Children03 on Saturday, May 29, 2004 - 10:20 pm:

Thanks everyone, this makes me feel like maybe part of her squealing is normal. I have been telling her to use her words because I can't help her if she is squealing, she even told me that she is a big girl and doesn't want to squeal anymore. We will see. My 13 month old is starting to pitch these same type of fits and when she gets mad she just throws her head back on the floor or she will lean over and bump her forehead on the floor. UGHH!!!! Anyway, I am already trying to rid her of that now before she gets to be 2. I think she knows that mommy isn't going to put up with that so over the last few days she knows when I stay "No MAM" to her that she better stop.

By Vbw1978 on Sunday, May 30, 2004 - 07:56 pm:

my 2 yr old cries sometimes when he does not get his way not alot but when he does he runs through the house throwing all his toys then he runs to where ever i am hiding at & crosses his arms & goes "hmmmmm" then he gives me a hug & SOMETIMES a kiss & acts like nothing ever happened !

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