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Pink Eye

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Pink Eye
By Cheerio on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 10:13 pm:

Does anyone have any experience with pink eye? My 3 yr old DD started with a yellow/green discharge from both eyes today, one eye worse than the other. She also has a fever of almost 101, but is acting completely normal. My ped just called in eye drops for her and wants to see her first thing in the morning to rule out an ear infection. Is that common? She hasn't had any cold symptoms recently and isn't complaining about anything other than her "sandy" eye. Will the whole family end up getting it? This is our first experience with it. Thanks for any advice.

By Tink on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 10:24 pm:

This can be extremely contagious. I would be extremely vigilant about the whole family washing hands often. Often, infection in one area like this can lead to another, like the ear. It can come with allergies or a cold or all on its own. I don't know if its only transmitted from one person to another or if an irritation of the eye can trigger it. The drops can be very painful, like putting in eye drops for a 3yo isn't enough trouble, but it should clear it up right away. I don't remember it being especially painful,except for the drops: seemed like it looked worse than it felt. I had it when I was in 6th grade and my youngest has had it twice, once from a cold and once from her allergies. Don't forget to wash up and keep her away from other children if possible.

By Cheerio on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 10:36 pm:

Thanks for the response. Yes, putting the eye drops in was not fun! I guess I have something to look forward to for the next 10 days. I know I had it as a child but don't remember anyone else in my family getting it. My older DD had something similar but she also had a nasty head cold and bad ear infection too. This just seemed to come out of no where. Unless I follow her around with a can of Lysol, I can't imagine how you control spreading it. My older DD is already whining about the hand washing. It's so strange that she is running that high of a fever and acting completely normal. The only place she was all weekend was a children's museum. I'm guessing that's where she got it. Everything I read though says you are "safe" after being on the eyedrops for 24 hours. I'd hate for her to miss her last two days of preschool Wed & Fri. I'll find out more at her dr. visit tomorrow. Thanks again.

By Karen~moderator on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 10:47 pm:

It can be passed from one person to another, particularly in children. They rub their eyes, touch everything, other kids touch things that are contaminated, touch their eyes.......when my kids were in preschool, on more than one occasion most of one of their classes had pink eye.

Hand washing is crucial! When mine had it, I wiped things down and cleaned and washed hands (mine and theirs) until I thought the skin would peel off.

It's very possible she got it at the children's museum. All it takes is exposure to something already contaminated with it. Germs on her hands, hands rubbing her eyes......instant pink eye!
Hope she's better soon!

By Emily7 on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 11:32 pm:

If her eye crust gets to bad you can dilute no tear baby shampoo to help remove the crust. Pink eye is no fun! I manage to get it if I am around anyone with it.

By Ginny~moderator on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 05:46 am:

I agree, it is highly contagious and handwashing is absolutely essential. I remember my sons with it - they'd have a cold, wipe the nose with the hand and then rub the eyes, and there you are.

I remember up laying the child on the floor with his head on my lap, my legs over his shoulders and crossed over his tummy, the ointment handy (it was an ointment then) - then, legs clamped the head still, one hand to lift the eyelid and the other to squeeze in the ointment. Neither the ointment or the drops hurt, but the instinct to not let anyone put anything in your eye is very strong and there was no reasoning with a 3 year old. It sure wasn't fun, but the treatment worked quickly and well, and I really, really, really emphasized "blow, don't snuffle, and use tissues" when they had colds.

By Kittycat_26 on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 08:32 am:

It's pretty common around our house since Timmy is in daycare. If I even get an inkling that one of the kids in his class has it, we put the drops in for a couple of days just as a preventative. This was his doctor's suggestion and has probably saved us getting pink eye a couple of times.

Our ped. usually wants to take a quick look in Timmy's ears if he has anything going on other than the eyes. ex. cough, fever, crankiness The one time I thought for sure that they were dragging me into the office for nothing, it turned out he had his first ear infection. Go figure.

By Debbie on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 09:15 am:

My ds got pink eye a lot when he was in preschool. It just kept going around. I don't remember him having a fever with it though.

Make sure you take her pillow case off and wash it, especially after the 24 hours is up. Then continue to wash it daily until the crusty stuff is gone.

By Cheerio on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 11:53 am:

Well, she has an ear infection too. It was a long night with the eyes. Everytime she briefly woke up she screamed because her eyes were all sticky. Not once has she complained of ear pain. I've never had an ear infection come out of no where like this one. She didn't have any cold symptoms whatsoever until the eye thing yesterday. She still doesn't even have a runny nose but the doc said definitely one ear is infected and it's the opposite ear from the eye that is the worst. Go figure. I'm not keen on giving antibiotics when they aren't even acting sick. We made it this whole winter without anyone needing antibiotics. I guess this crazy spring weather here in Chicago isn't helping though. Thanks for everyone's ideas and tips. I keep hoping the sandy feeling in my eye is all in my head!

By Palmbchprincess on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 12:07 pm:

I've had pink eye a million times growing up. Everyone is correct HAND WASHING!!!! No daycare, or playdates until it clears up!! Be very careful, and if anyone wears contacts they should wear their glasses for a few days until the everyone in the family gets rid of it. My mom once had it so bad she lost vision in her eye, and her contact prescription doubled once it cleared. With small children, it's almost inevitable they will share this wonderful gift, so be prepared. As far as the drops, the DR may be able to give you a gel to put along the eyelid, it can be easier than drops with a toddler. Good luck, and hugs... pink eye is no fun.

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