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:)Junior National Honor Society Induction:)

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: :)Junior National Honor Society Induction:)
By Eight_Kids on Saturday, May 15, 2004 - 09:09 am:

Just had to post this!!!!
We received a letter home from school attend the induction ceremony next Friday (at 2pm?) for 12yo SD (almost 13). This is the end of 7th grade for her! She just brought home a 3.6 on her last report card! :):):) SOOOO happy for her!!! SOOOOOO proud!!!!
When I read the letter I sort of wanted to jump up and down. It gives ME a real sense of accomplishment only because when she started 6th grade she swore she couldn't do any better than c's and d's. DH and I spent the entire 6th grade year going over homework, every single night, and making her correct her mistakes. I thought it was a lot of work. DH doesn't seem to take as much pride in himself for this accomplishment, but I honestly think had we not done that she would not be where she is today! I'm so happy!! I just had to tell someone!! :)

ps....those of you keeping up with the drama...things are MUCH better for now!!!:)

By Bobbie~moderatr on Saturday, May 15, 2004 - 09:28 am:

Well condrats to you and your SD. And I am glad things are working out, hope that they continue to improve.....

By Emily7 on Saturday, May 15, 2004 - 10:53 am:

I am glad things are getting better! Tell her to keep up the good work.

By Annie2 on Saturday, May 15, 2004 - 03:57 pm:

My daughter, the same age and grade as your dd, was inducted last week, too. The invitation to the ceremony brought tears to my eyes!
Congratulations to your dd. Don't forget to bring your camera....and tissues! :)

By Kay on Saturday, May 15, 2004 - 04:59 pm:

Wow, several of us have 7th graders! My youngest dd is 13 and is completing 7th. She's my third to be inducted in the NJHS (ours was done in February), and the pride never lessens.

Congrats to both of you on the accomplishment! (Moms don't always get the credit we deserve.:))

By Coopaveryben on Saturday, May 15, 2004 - 09:30 pm:

I am so happy for you guys. I'm glad things are going better. You are obviously doing a great job with them, you should feel very proud.

By Eight_Kids on Thursday, May 20, 2004 - 07:56 am:

Just found out that sd's mother and grandmother are planning on being at this induction on Fri.
I realize it was my idea to call the *&%$# but I guess I never expected her to show up. She never comes to any of the kids stuff at school. I think she made it down here once for a church thing and that was almost embarressing. DH says he wants to find two seats that have no empty seats around them. (He doesn't want to deal with her either.....FYI..she was told a few years ago that she was obsessed with DH and needed to move on.)
So...if the parents are asked to stand up with their I stand up or does she?????Or do we all stand up? I don't want to embarress the 13yo and she is easily embarressed by 'parents' at school. So....should I simply let "mom" (and I use this term loosely here)stand up (like she had anything to do with this) or do we all stand up??

By Kernkate on Thursday, May 20, 2004 - 08:09 am:

That is excellent, congrats to you DSD!!:)
As a step mom and this is only my opinion, I think you should all stand up if asked. You have been the one to help her accomplish this and you do deserve to be recognized.
Even tho she the "mom" has never been there to help her daughter, as they say "Its still her mom"
I as the step mom have been put into this spot more then once. No matter what you decide it will be the right decision. What does your DH think?
Once again congrats to you,DSD and your DH. YOu all made it happen for her.

By Kernkate on Saturday, May 22, 2004 - 08:26 am:

Beth, How did it go yesterday? I was thinking about you.

By Karen~moderator on Saturday, May 22, 2004 - 02:11 pm:

I'm reading this late, but congratulations to your SD!

And, I just wanted to say, I hope you stood up! Step parents are parents to the kids they step-parent, just like birth parents are. I'm a step parent and my stepkids are my kids and I am their *other* mom. I would DEFINITELY have stood up.

By Bobbie~moderatr on Saturday, May 22, 2004 - 10:15 pm:

How did it go???????

By Eight_Kids on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 01:44 pm:

Went great. SD was ALL smiles standing up in front of everyone. :):):)I think she is finally learning how to accept positive attention (she admittedly thrives on negative attention). No parents were asked to stand up so I didn't have to deal with that issue. :) Mom and Grandma were there before we were and were sitting in the middle on the right hand side of the gym...DH and I sat on the opposite side. No eye contact made during the entire thing. :) This is a good thing. We were behind them though. Afterwards, everyone went to the home-ec room for 'refreshments' (why do they call them that?) and I was still not planning on speaking to either one of them if I could get out of it. (The grandmother isn't too bad but I know for a fact she will say one thing to my face and another when she gets home) but "mom-mom" as they call her was sitting in a chair relatively close to the door (she's had 3 strokes since her daughters have moved back in with her) and "Becky" (DH's ex) was in line getting 'refreshments'. Had to talk to her...guess it was inevitable. I did notice that she didn't seem to have her usual "I've got it going on, I'm the **** attitude with her that day. She volunteered the information that she was starting a new job on Monday. I was polite. Told her I had heard. It's right across the street from where she used to work though...not quite far enough away from her crack buddies for me to think she will keep this, i didn't say that to her! Wanted to. She did ask me why she couldn't pick up her oldest daughter at the high school.(it's right across the street from the middle/elementary school) Why did she want to ride the bus home? I told her I didn't know what was going on with that and that I was walking up to the high school after the 'refreshments' to go get her and she could go up to the office with DH and get the other two kids....."here, go play happy family...." she readily agreed to this. They came back to the house so the girls could get their stuff for the weekend, I made 3 copies of the certificate Anjelica got for her, her mother and her sister, and they left. She surprised me when we got to the house....dh held the door open for 'mom-mom' and I heard Becky ask if she could come in. (usually I don't want her in my usually goes badly) She still seems extremely childish, but I guess you can do that when you are the visiting parent although I don't do it with my boys. Anyway, I was VERY pleased at how the whole thing went. Totally different experience than what I am used to. Maybe she's growing up. We'll see.
Sorry this is so long! :)

By Bobbie~moderatr on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 10:17 pm:

Beth, It honestly sounds to me like you all are coming to terms with a lot of issues as of late. And there is no reason why she might not be coming to her own terms too. There is one thing I have learned in this life... When a child turns 18 the ex is still a part of your life. Because there will be functions and grandchildren that your child will want you involved in even when they are grown. That said you need to accept what you can't change and work on what you can. Because life is to short to live it full of contempt or resentments... And I am so happy for you that everything went so well... YEAH DSS!!!!

By Kernkate on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 12:56 pm:

Glad things worked out so well.

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