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Baby food @ 9mths

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Baby food @ 9mths
By Missy3 on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 - 03:14 pm:

hello ladies I need help here. I must have hormonal brain because I can NOT remember what I did for my other 2 kids at this age.

I am looking for a meal plan for my 9 mo. Should I have him on stage 3 foods? what exactly can he eat? the dr said pasta, that kind of scared me for some reason. i gave him bread and he does not like it. i gave him yogurt(against my better judgement) he liked that but isnt he too young? can he have breakfast bars the ones with the fruit in it? i tried cotttage cheese he does not like it. maybe he just likes his baby food stage 2 stuff. the "book"(what to expect the 1st year) said strained food should be a thing of the past.
i am confused and would like a non hormonal brain to help me.......

By Emily7 on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 - 03:21 pm:

I gave my son the gerber graduates & watched how he did. According to the Infant feeding guide my doctor hands out when it is time for solids; 9-12 months can have finely chopped meats, mashed egg yolks (whole egg after a year), table foods as tolerated.

By Mara on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 - 04:04 pm:

My dd will be 9 months in 3 days. She likes to eat, scrambled eggs, bread, Gerber banana cookies, bananas, Gerber graduates foods, green beans, cheese puffs, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches-cut up into little bite size that she can pick up. I go really light on the peanut butter so she doesn't choke. She likes applesauce, dry cheerios, mashed potatoes, mac&cheese-cut up, spagetti-cut up. There really isn't anything that she can't eat except things like nuts, large peices of meat, chips, things that would be hard for her to break up in her mouth. She only has 5 teeth so I have to be really careful on what to give her, as long as it's soft I think it would be okay...My dd also loves yogart. I saw where you said you wasn't sure if it was okay to give babies yogart or not. I would like to know too, Ive been giving her yogart and want to know if that is bad for her.


By Ladypeacek on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 - 04:16 pm:

i think yogurt is fine too, mine ate it earlier, i just made sure it did not have chunks. My son really knows how to use his teeth, lol. Bananas are good too, they are soft. My ds didn't like the baby meats but the soft turkey slices with low sodiom were good.

By Trina~moderator on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 - 04:59 pm:

Please be wary of peanut butter/nuts with kids under 3. More info here:

The Peanut Butter Controversy

Both my kids have severe nut allergies so I'm very aware of this issue.

By Mommyathome on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 - 05:09 pm:

We didn't give our kids peanut butter until their 2 year check up. (doctors recommendation)
At 9 months they were eating quite a few table foods. We just gave them a bit of this and a bit of that. Always cut small and test the temperature of course.

By Amy~moderator on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 - 05:44 pm:

All three of my boys are on the WIC program. I have a card that they gave me for Feeding Your Baby 9-12 months. This is some of what it says:

By 9 to 12 months, your baby will already be ftting into your family's eating schedule and will be eating family foods at the table.

During this time many babies:
-will eat with their fingers
-will start spoon feeding themselves with help
-may begin to hold a cup by themselves
-will want to eat the same food the family eats

Helpful Hints
-Table foods for baby should be soft and easy to chew. Baby will be able to eat more and more foods from the table as more teeth come in.
-Baby will gradually get off strained and junior foods during this period. By one year, all of baby's foods are usually from the table.
-Offer more and more formula in a cup. Baby should be gradually weaned from the bottle by one year or just a little after.
-Try to keep older children from sharing their drinks, sweets, and chips with baby.
-Always stay with baby when baby is eating.
-Don't let baby have hard, round foods. Baby can choke on foods like popcorn, round candy, nuts, grapes, and round slices of hot dogs.
-Soft drinks, kool-aid, fruit punch and tea are not good drinks for baby.

Here is a suggested way to give foods your baby needs each day:
1/4 cup of fruit juice in a cup or fruit
4 tablespoons of infant cereal (mix with formula or breastmilk)
1/2 to 1 slice of bread or toast
1/2 to 3/4 cup of iron-fortified formula or breast feed
1/2 cup of fruit juice, fruit or a cracker
1 oz meat or other protein food such as chicken, fish (no bones), cheese, or 2-4 tablesppons cooked dried beans or peas
1/2 slice wheat or enriched bread
1/2 or 3/4 cup of formula in a cup or breastfeed
1/2 to 3/4 cup of formula or breastfeed
1 oz meat or other protein food such as cheese, fishe (no bones), chicken, or cooked dried beans or peas
2-4 tablespoons potato
2-4 tablespoons cooked vegetable
2-4 tablespoons fruit
1/2 to 3/4 cup formula or breastfeed

Anyway, you can use this as a guide. Of course I don't follow the suggested meal plan EXACTLY. Just avoid foods that are choking hazards. Avoid milk until 1 year of age, as well as egg whites(baby can only have cooked egg yolks). Peanut butter or nuts should be avoided until age 3 because babies may have an allergic reaction.

I often gave my kids at that age applesauce, pot pie (mashed), ravioli (mashed), bread, crackers, mac and cheese (mashed). They often ate what we were having for dinner if it wasn't too spicy or too seasoned. Sometimes I would prepare their portion of dinner before I seasoned the meal.

Hope that helps some!

By Emily7 on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 - 11:39 pm:

I am wondering about the mac & cheese, is it okay to give to them even though it has milk in it?

By Missy3 on Thursday, May 6, 2004 - 09:03 am:

Thank you ladies that has been very helpful. I am still curious about the yogurt though. What do you think is the best baby cup to get. I don't want to get one that drips all over.

By Mara on Thursday, May 6, 2004 - 09:19 am:

Thanks for the link about the peanut butter. I've heard of lots of kids having nut allergys but never once did I think anything about giving her peanut butter. Thanks very much!

By Momaroze on Thursday, May 6, 2004 - 09:59 am:

Huh! I know what you mean, (hormonal brain thing). I have 2 older ds's and I've forgotten alot of things related to a baby. They are a kind of far apart in age but still I've done this twice already!

Honey is a no-no as well, you probably know that though. All kinds of vegs are great...I am buying the organic strained veg's until Ds is a little older. I think as long as you are aware of which foods to avoid in the first 3 years and making sure what you feed your baby is not a choking hazard you will have many foods to choose from. I will start making my own in a month or two. Right now I am giving him the stage 2 cereal, the next box will be stage 3, by then he likely will just eat what I make him. Toast (crust removed), oatmeal, stuff like that....

By Missy3 on Thursday, May 6, 2004 - 10:21 am:


I WISH someone would have told me about PB. I gave it to my oldest DD at 11 mths. she went full blown anaphylactic on me! That was probably the worst day of my parenting life. But you did inform someone today so thank you!!!!

By Boxzgrl on Friday, May 7, 2004 - 11:28 am:

Kaitlyn gets just about everything we eat, just less or no seasoning. Except of course nuts and egg whites (which she doesnt like anyways, thanks to DH we figured that out!) I think shes a bit different than other babies though because DH was sneaking steak, chips and all that stuff to her at 9 months old.

I give her mainly: (shes almost a year now)

bread with melted cheese
yogurt (she loves banana creme by yoplait)
animal crackers (the graduates ones)
stage 3 food (its okay to start now)
she enjoys stealing my coffee thermos when im not looking (though im sure its not recommended :) )
100% juices (I still mix them with a bit of water)
I would start introducing the sippy cup if you havnt already, Playtex has great non leaking ones
i started giving DD the little meat fingers food that look like vienna sausages (the baby brand though) at that age

I guess thats all I can think of for now

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