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Some party game ideas!

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Some party game ideas!
By Ladypeacek on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 - 08:06 am:

My daughter will be 9 May 5 and we have been discussing several ideas of what to do. Well we decided to have a birthday carnival, I rented one of those bouncy castles from the base and i though we could do some carnival type games for them and have small prizes for them to make their own goody bags. I am gonna have little floating ducks in a kiddie pool and they can hook them and get a prize. I am thinking maybe a scavenger hunt too> I need smoe more ideas for easy games to do outside. I have some ladies from our church coming with their kids and have offered to help too. This party is bigger than any we have ever had but i think we all could use it since we haved moved so far from home and my dd really was not looking forward to her party without my mother and her friends from back home. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

By Emily7 on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 - 09:40 am:

A ring toss (hooking around a bottle), that was always one of my favorite carnival games.
Bean bag toss (we always tossed it through a clowns face).
Sack races
Three legged races

By Momaroze on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 - 09:48 am:

We are going to have a treasure hunt for our ds on his B'day. Map and all. I have a treasure box of my own which I will us to fill up with goodies. Not original, but fun!

By Ladypeacek on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 - 09:57 am:

Emily those are great ideas!!!!! thanks a bunch!

By Tunnia on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 - 10:17 am:

Here are a few ideas that I hope will help:

water balloon toss: pound several nails through a piece of plywood and fill several balloons with water and toss the balloons at the nail board

Bowling: spray paint empty two liter soda bottles to look like bowling pins and fill the bottom with enough sand so that they do not tip too easily. Then have the kids roll a ball at the "pins" to knock them down

Can Toss: set up empty soda cans (you can paint them bright colors if you like) in a pyramid and let the kids toss bean bags at the pyramid of cans to knock them over

Cupcake Walk: Like a cake walk

Basketball toss: you'll need a basketball goal for this one

Bubble Blowing: Fill a really large pan with bubble solution and make big wands out of wire coathangers and let the kids make gigantic bubbles

Fishing: Paint a large piece of plywood to look like the ocean and then fashion fishing poles out of sticks with string tied to them and a clothes pin ties to the other end. Have someone sit behind the board and when a child throws their line over the top of the board, attach a prize

Container Toss: Remember the Bozo Show? Set up six containers in a row and mark a line on the ground for the child to stand on. Then have the child throw ping-pong balls at the first container and if they get it in then they try for the second container and so on until they get the ball in the last container

That's all I can think of right now. If I think of any other ideas, I'll post them. Have a great party!!!

By Ladypeacek on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 - 11:25 am:

wow, with all these ideas the party will be a blast!!! i am getting so excited!

By Coopaveryben on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 - 12:22 pm:

I did this for our church rally day last year.

I did the ring toss with two litter cokes, they loved it!

I did a ping pong ball toss for gold fish, I gave them the bowl and food to go with them (I didn't hear any complaints from the families the kids loved it).

I painted a silly picture witht the face cut for them to stick their head in for pictures. ( has a neat design if you go on the web site under parties and go to carnival)

I put M&M's in a container and had them write their guess on a sheet of paper and drop it in a container the one who was closest won.

Hear you can rent a cotton candy machine for around $35 a day or you can have some made up.

You can have an adult make balloon animals/hats.

Good luck, it sounds like fun. I love birthday parties.

By Bellajoe on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 - 03:42 pm:

We did this at our family reunion last year:

My sister had some old clown costumes, a sweatshirt with decorations on it, clown nose, those BIG clown sumglasses, a wig....of course this only works if you have this stuff or can find them cheaply....anyways its a Clown Relay Race...

Make two teams, two people race to put the clown costume on, run to a designated spot in the yard where there are balloons blown up, they have to sit on the balloon and pop it, then run back and take the costume back off, then the next person on your team gos, the first team with all their players done with the race wins! ...its fun trust me! At our family reunion we had kids from 2 yrs old to 14 yrs old doing this!

When I was about 9 or 10 yrs old we would play this game at parties....take some labels and write names of famous people or, cartoon characters, we even did this with names of boys at our school that we liked :) and put one label on each of the girls backs. Then you have to ask people questions to find out whos name is on your back like "is this a movie star?", " is it a woman?" and they can only answer yes or no. No one really "wins" the game, but it is fun to do anyway.

Have fun!

By Bellajoe on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 - 03:44 pm:'%20Parties

Here is a website with some games also!

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