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Need Input Re. A Safety Issue With My Grandson

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Need Input Re. A Safety Issue With My Grandson
By Gammiejoan on Friday, April 16, 2004 - 12:00 pm:

I am wondering if any of you have ever had a problem with your child running off from you every time he is taken outdoors. The younger of my grandsons will be three in June, and you absolutely cannot afford to let go of his hand outdoors. He will take off from you as fast as a bolt of lightning. It doesn't make any difference where he is. If you let go of his hand just to open a door, he will bolt toward the street. He will take off in parking lots, inside stores, in church, or anywhere else. I'm still fairly fast for a fifty-seven year old grandmother, but it takes a full-out effort from me to catch him! LOL! All kidding aside, I really worry for his safety. We've tried everything we can think of to get him to stop this behavior. Nothing seems to work. We have tried talking with him, using timeout, not allowing him to go on outings, and even spanking. A pediatrician told me that this is one example of the few occasions where he feels that spanking is appropriate because of the real danger that the behavior presents. We have even tried the halter type devices despite the looks we get from passersby, but he is really too old for this now and has figured out how to get out of it. Have any of you had similar experiences, and what did you try?

By Emily7 on Friday, April 16, 2004 - 12:56 pm:

I use the "leash" for my 2 year old, that would have been my suggestion. What about something that clips on his belt loop? The "leash" we have has a plasitic hook on it so you can attach it to something else. Something my sister did, but I am not sure about was tell her kids exactly what could happen if they ran off. She told them about strangers that could take them & hurt them. She also told them that they could be hit by a car & be hurt. It worked for them, but they were a year or 2 older.

By Coopaveryben on Friday, April 16, 2004 - 05:00 pm:

I was going to recommend the "leash" also, but if he is getting out of it that won't work.

What I have always done for mine is to try to redirect their attention, Is that a piece of candy??? What is that on the ground? Look at this? Hmmm? and they notice I am not going to chase them and want to see what I have or I'm looking at they stop and come back. Even if you feel like you're about to have a heart attatck you have to keep your voice real mellow and laid back. Once they realize you aren't playing that game they will stop.

By Ladypeacek on Friday, April 16, 2004 - 05:20 pm:

get a leash! I thought they were so cruel and i could not BELIEVE a mother would do that to a child, that is...till i had a boy! Enough said, i have a leash now! LOL

By Ladypeacek on Friday, April 16, 2004 - 05:23 pm:

Oh and mine isn't a harness one either, he can get out of it too, we have one that clips too. He can't reach behind him enough to get it off.

By Bellajoe on Friday, April 16, 2004 - 05:40 pm:

My son did stuff like that, we just did not let him walk in stores or in the mall, he always had to be in the grocery cart or in a stroller, i was not about to chase after him. And Church? Forget it, i just didn't take him or i put him in the Nursery at church. That made of a lot of churchless Sundays for me.

I got a leash for him but never used it, my dh wouldn't let me...he thought they were cruel too. But i say " you gotta do what you gotta do" I'm sure he would have gotten out of it anyway.

By Amecmom on Friday, April 16, 2004 - 05:55 pm:

No helpful advice, but a lot of sympathy. My son does the same thing. He's getting a little better, but not much.

By Momaroze on Friday, April 16, 2004 - 07:43 pm:

A leash would be appropriate in this case. As the pediatrician says about spanking so goes the leash. After explaining to him why you are going to use it (which I am sure you already do) he may eventually get the message. Like Kenna said one that clips on the back. I've never had to use one myself. I never judge people for using one either. Safety is priority. That is what I think when I see one being used. I think you have pretty much done all you can do. Re-directing behavior is a good one but I think he would catch on to your motives pretty quick. Best wishes Gammiejoan!

By Amecmom on Saturday, April 17, 2004 - 01:53 pm:

BTW, I've tried the leash/harness, my son just runs to the end of his rope and falls. It's frustrating for him, and dangerous. But, every kid is defferent and it may work with your GS.

By Ghfaninnj on Sunday, April 18, 2004 - 09:31 am:

Good morning everyone! I thought my 3 year old was the only one that did this! No matter where we are, including home, I'm so afraid to let go of his hand for fear that he's going to get so far away from me that I can't catch him, or that he'll get hit by a car. I haven't found anything that works, I have also tried spanking(when he did run out in front of a car), timeouts and talking to him. He seemed to get the point at the time. My husband can take him out front and he is just fine, I think cause he knows that my husband can catch him and I can't. We have a bolt lock on our front door that he can't operate and in the back we have a 6-foot privacy fence, so that keeps him in. My girls never did this. Good luck and if you find anything that helps please post it!! =)

By Feona on Sunday, April 18, 2004 - 09:34 am:

I have been telling my son we will go home and go to sleep if he wanders off. It works like a charm. He is just turned 4.

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