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Picky eater....I'm concerned.....

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Picky eater....I'm concerned.....
By Momaroze on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 03:46 pm:

This topic has probably been brought up in the past but I am really concerned about my ds. He is 6 and does not eat any fruit except for the occasional banana. He will eat some veg's, broc, sweet potatoes, potatoes and cucumbers that is it. LOVES everthing that is unhealthy like wieners, processed meats, canned pasta. He loves peanut butter w/whole wheat bread. Thankfully. If something looks yucky he won't even try it. Forget about berries too, even in a smoothie (it looks yucky). I'm doubting the doctor can do anything about his eating problem either. He is skinny and I am concerned. He would rather starve than try new foods. Where did I go wrong? My other son will eat and try almost everything! Any suggestions? Vitamins alone isn't enough!

By Ladypeacek on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 04:08 pm:

I was the one to post this earlier, lol. My dd is 8 and she is the same way with the exception she won't eat any of those veggies you mentioned!!
My dd would also rather starve than eat the healthy food. and one day she loves something and the next she hates it, i just can't keep up! I have almost given up! I have made the rule that if you eat something other than what i make then no snack afterwards.

By Momaroze on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 04:15 pm:

That is right Kenna you did post before. You know exactly what I mean. My ds is so skinny. Could take after Dh's side of the fam. I guess. Yes, my eldest ds has given me the same advice. I am a big softy at times. I'm just so concerned and frustrated because they are in that crucial growing stage. Over the weekend he told me he ate 5 hotdogs in one sitting. Picky eater that day, I think NOT! At the other neighbous house they had a wiener roast....MORE hot dogs..Ahhh

By Momaroze on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 04:20 pm:

I found the post Kenna "snacks". Yep, I think I will have to get very firm. You know how exhausting that can be...what has to be done, has to be done! Here comes MEAN mommma! LOL

By Amecmom on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 04:25 pm:

As long as he eats veggies and takes a multi vitamin he should be fine! You're lucky that you can get him to eat the veggies. If he likes hot dogs, maybe you ca get him some turkey hot dogs which may be better for him.
What about watermelon or other melons? They're yummy and they have lots of vitamins.
I know its frustrating. Good luck.

By Momaroze on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 04:34 pm:

Thanks Ame. Yes, he does like Canteloup and watermelon. Where I live the fruit is awful this time of year (no flavor) obviously he doesn't like it. In the late late Spring and Summer months these fruits are really good. We rarely eat fast food. That is considered a real treat around here. I also use alot of oatmeal in my baking. Maybe I could add some applesauce to replace some of the oil in my recipes. Not sure how much but I could find out. Yoghurt too. Now I'm getting creative! I am also growing a's been years and he seems to love only fresh carrots and peas. Well not that bad of an eater I suppose. It's just he is so skinny!

By Mommmie on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 05:39 pm:

Well, having spent 10 years or so as a waitress in a past life, I'm here to tell you, There is NO explaining personal preferences when it comes to food.

By Tink on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 11:09 pm:

My son has some texture issues that affect fruits and veggies, won't eat much of either, but I can shred carrots and zuchini into spaghetti sauce and meatloaf. Probably some other things that I haven't thought of. His DR. doesn't seem that concerned as long as he gets his daily multi. I bought a case of Pediasure for my own peace of mind and he loves it really cold. Thinks its a milkshake!

By Fionadeassis on Wednesday, April 14, 2004 - 05:05 am:

Ugh!! My son is another one. But maybe worse than any of yours....

HE eats: occasional piece of dry wholewheat toast(one every 2 weeks)....pasta with parmesan cheese.....brocolli(I can get him to eat 2 a day).....just stopped drinking milk-but just started eating meat.......granola.......beans and rice....

no other fruits(well, occasionally he will eat a few grapes...)...won't touch berries or melons or yogurt or sauces or smoothies-not even frozen other veggies(sometimes I can slip some grated stuff into his beans-but if he sees a 'colour' he will stop eating immediately......

It is so started when he was 2-before that he ate EVERYTHING!!

We give him vitamins-thank God he will take those!!

I'm glad about the meat-he just started on that last week!

And now he likes Ichiban noodles(not that there is anything healthy in there-but at least it is something different)....

I just wish he still liked bananas-I always felt good if he had one because I think they are filling and have a lot of healthy things in them...

good luck all........


By Payday614 on Wednesday, April 14, 2004 - 08:30 am:

it's easier to list the things my ds (4) does eat than all the things he doesn't:

pizza (only cheese, but then he picks the cheese off), cereal (but if it has marshmallows, he picks them out and throws them away), peanut butter sandwiches (no jelly), bananas, mashed potatoes, corn, halibut (but we tell him it's chicken), chicken on occasion (not on the bone), sometimes jerky (dd loves jerky). that's basically it.

we've tried to get him to try new things, but even when he was a baby he didn't like alot of things. it is very frustrating, to say the least. :)

By Momaroze on Wednesday, April 14, 2004 - 08:50 am:

Tink, Pediasure is exactly what I was thinking of buying him, for those days that he just won't eat much at all. I couldn't think of the name.

Fiona, I feel the same way about bananas. If ds eats one, I'm happy too!

Cheese pizza, ds will only eat "cheddar" if we go to subway! If we sneak it in something we just tell him it's a cheese slice, then he's fine eating it. If he knows it's cheddar he won't touch it. Ewwwwww. Ugh! Maybe next week he will decide he likes ..... you never know with kids. One day they like something the next week they don't. Even with the older ones!

By Gammiejoan on Wednesday, April 14, 2004 - 10:07 am:

My two grandsons are the pickiest eaters I've ever seen. The 6 y/o eats only bread, cheese, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, pizza, pancakes, apples, bananas, and no vegetables at all. He will drink milk but only if it is flavored with chocolate syrup. The 2 y/o eats grapes, bananas, apples, pancakes, hot dogs, a little pizza, occasionally a few bites of chicken or beef, a little bread, some cereal, and no vegetables at all. He will drink milk flavored with strawberry syrup. The older boy will eat a moderate amount of the things he likes, but the younger one often just takes a few bites. I occasionally give the younger one some Ensure or Boost. Both of them have cousins the same age who eat practically anything put in front of them and at least two or three times the amount that these two boys eat. One of the things I can't understand is that both of them were much less picky when they first started eating solids.

By Debbie on Wednesday, April 14, 2004 - 10:19 am:

My ds who will be 4 this summer used to eat everything. He got pretty picky at around age 2 and then last summer he was diagnosed with acid reflux. He had a rough summer and by the time he got treated successfully he was eating close to nothing. Well, he is really improving. I do not make food an issue. It is just not one of the battles I want to fight. I do make just one dinner and I make sure that there is at least one thing that he likes. If he doesn't want it then he can have a bowl of cereal(I only buy healthy cereal) or a sandwich. In the beginning he was eating mostly cereal and sandwiches. However, now he is trying and liking most things I make. He now eats what I make about 50% of the time. I know that it will continue to get better. This is just how I choose to deal with it. There is never any fighting or screaming at dinner and I don't feel bad about him not eating. He is great about breakfast and lunch and eats a wide variety at these meals. It is just dinner we are working on. He only eats a few veggies and fruit. I just make sure that I have the fruits he likes in the house all the time. My 6 yr. old was fairly picky at a younger age and he now eats just about anything. I just didn't make a big deal out of it and encouraged him to try new things.

It will get better, just hang in there.

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