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Mammas boy!!

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Mammas boy!!
By Ladypeacek on Saturday, April 3, 2004 - 12:59 pm:

My dh says my ds spends too much time with me lol. my ds is now 19 months and is starting to do things just like me. I am very particular about the way my house looks. I am not a clean freak (hard to be with kids!!) but i like some order, like shoes in the closet and coats put up, clothes in the hamper ro put away neatly. Well now when my ds sees my dd or dh leave something in the wrong place he gives them and evil eye and puts it where it belongs. We have baby gates up for the stairs and kitchen and take them down when he is asleep for the dog but when he wakes up he tries to put them back up! He ALWAYS puts his toys away when he is done and shakes his finger at my dd when she does not! He loves to vaccuum and does better than my dd and dh! My husband thinks he is gonna be compulsive but my mom says its good that he likes the routine. Anyone else have kids like that so young? Will it last? My dd who is 8 was never like that, its like pulling teeth to get her to clean or put anything away!

By Palmbchprincess on Saturday, April 3, 2004 - 01:05 pm:

My son is like that, and he'll be 2 in June. He is a Momma's boy, through and through. He throws stuff into the trash (which has a lid, so he's figured out how to open it). He puts laundry in the hamper, and then helps me put it into the washer and dryer. He tries to sweep, and is up my butt all the time, unless I give him a task to do. I just look at it this way, he'll make an excellent husband one day!! :) LOL

By Debbie on Saturday, April 3, 2004 - 01:54 pm:

My youngest ds(3-1/2 yr. old) is like this. He loves to help me with chores. He will do the dishes, laundry, dust, help me make his bed and mine. You name it he will do it. My oldest(6 yrs. old) could care less, but will do it so he gets his allowance. My youngest loves to hang out with my dh, but he wants me to give him a bath, put him to bed and do all those type of things. I have to say I love it. My oldest ds has always been a "man's boy" He prefers dh and his grandad. He just seems to have a stronger bond with the men in the family. Sooooooo...I love that my youngest is a mama's boy.

By Ladypeacek on Saturday, April 3, 2004 - 04:23 pm:

Ohhh and the broom!! the boy LOVES the broom!!!!!!

By Melanie on Saturday, April 3, 2004 - 06:32 pm:

Don't question a great thing! LOL. His enthusiasm will probably diminish in time, but you are getting him started on some great habits. Keep it up and giving him regular chores in a couple of years will be an easy transition. :)

By Momoffour on Sunday, April 4, 2004 - 09:14 am:

My mom calls my ds a crack baby everytime I bend over he's right at my crack. LOL. What a moms don't say. My son is the same way loves to do laundry,sweep and vaccume. I can do dishes at night and he will run through the house looking for glasses carry them to me and he will pull up his step stoll and try to help. but I end up getting sooked. but I love it my only boy the 3 girls you have to keep asking to pick up there toys until your blue in the face

By Bellajoe on Sunday, April 4, 2004 - 06:57 pm:

Hey, there's nothing wrong with wanting things to be clean. Start them as early as possible! LOL!

Our rule in our house is "take off your shoes when you come inside!" You better beleive our kids (ds3 and dd 4) always take off their shoes and if a guest comes in and doesn't take off their shoes they tell them too!

My nephew who is 2 was playing in our play room and my ds sais to him "you need to take off your shoes".

We've got them trained well :)

By Tink on Monday, April 5, 2004 - 02:52 am:

My 2 year old DD is the same way. My DH swears she will have OCD but she is just very particular.The same babies have to be in bed in the same spots each night, the design on her pillow has to be facing the right way, and she will crawl around the living room looking for the change that has fallen out of my husband's pockets so she can give it back. I love it!! My other two were also not like this.

By Michimo on Tuesday, April 6, 2004 - 12:30 am:

Can I borrow him? Just for a week? PLEASE!!!

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