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Speaking of Dentists

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Speaking of Dentists
By Cat on Sunday, March 28, 2004 - 04:21 pm:

How often do your kids have their teeth cleaned? Our insurance covers every six months and that's how often we go. However, after Randy's six cavities in December, I've been thinking about taking him every three months and just paying for the ones the insurance doesn't. It would be about $35 each uncovered visit. I paid more than that with just the 20% the insurance didn't cover in December! He doesn't do a very good job brushing, and he will have to learn, but in the meantime this might be best. What do you think? Poor kids must have gotten dh's teeth. I've only had 2 cavities ever and that was with only seeing a dentist once my whole childhood. Dh has a mouthfull. Maybe I'll make him an appointment for the dentist to show him exactly how he should be brushing and flossing. I know they do that with regular appointments, but I'd make this an appointment to specifically focus and those things. Thoughts? TIA :)

By Dana on Sunday, March 28, 2004 - 06:06 pm:

Some kids just seem prone to cavities. You can have a sealant (sp?) put on his teeth. I've heard wonderful things about that. Talk to the dentist and get all the info first. My girlfriend had a nightmare experience w/ the dentist doing her kid's improperly.

By Conni on Sunday, March 28, 2004 - 09:37 pm:

Cat, the boys go once every 6 mos. They did have the sealant applied to their molars a few yrs back. I *think* that has helped alot. I would just ask your dentist/hygeniest (sp?) what they recommend for Randy. :) As for the brushing properly, one thing that comes to mind is having him sing a song (happy birthday or something) all the way thru 2 times. To make sure he brushing long enough. Maybe swishing with mouthwash before and after?? I am sure you will get other better ideas...

Blake goes for the first time in June. He is so excited to get his teeth cleaned with his big brothers.

By Mara on Sunday, March 28, 2004 - 11:53 pm:

My ds used to brush with a small little sand timer that we would turn upside down when he starts brushing then when the sand has went to the bottom he can stop. The dentist even gave this timer to us. :)

By Feona on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 06:50 am:

Did you think about getting some of the teeth sealed?

Our dentist recommended it for his 4 back teeth.

By Coopaveryben on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 09:07 am:

I take mine every 6 months.

Like someone said it seems some kids are more prone to cavities. My friend never lets her kids eat sugar and makes them brush frequently, when she took her DD to the dentist she had 4 cavities.

My dentist told me three things:
Stop putting sun block on them everytime they go outside, don't let them burn by all means, but they need to absorb some of the sun it gives them vitamins to help their teeth and bones be strong.

Stop giving them bottled water, our city water is safe and it contains a lot of flouride and he didn't want me using the flouride drops.

Never Never let them eat anything that is "sour" like sour jacks and such, he said those things should be banned, they eat the enamel off the teeth.

I would also check into sealants, my DH had them done and has never had a cavity.

By Cat on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 09:33 am:

Dana and Feona-Randy does have sealants on his molars. I think he's just a little more prone to cavities and doesn't brush well.

Coop-The kids wear sunblock if we're going to be out for more than an hour and we don't drink bottled water (although it is filtered by our fridge). They do like sour candies, but we don't get them that often. Our dentist makes a huge deal about the kids drinking soda. He thinks it should be banned or illegal or something.

Mara-We do have a little sand egg timer. We'll have to pull that out.

Conni-I'll have to see if I can find a mouthwash Randy might use. Good luck with Blakester's first visit! :)

I'm going to work on getting him to brush better and he's due for his 6 month check up in June. If it's not any better than his one in December when we found the 6 cavities then I'll talk to the dentist about going in every three months, or just see what he suggests. Thanx for all the suggestions and thoughts. :)

By Mommyathome on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 10:27 am:

Every 6 months here too :)

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