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Ranting and raving

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Ranting and raving
By Kaye on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 09:29 am:

Ugh...have you ever just had one of those weeks?? We have had a heck of a year actually, but things seemed to be improving since 2004 and this week was just yucky. The climax of the week was report cards. My kids are all very bright kids, two were in the GT program before we moved. Well grades have just not been good and we have coped, I understand really..LOL. Well this 9 weeks, things in the home have been stable, mostly good even, they have worked hard on homework, grades coming home have been good. Then report cards, my middle kid, down from 6 a's to 2...just small drops, but still, but his conduct grades all went from s to s-....WHAT! I was not pleased. My daughter who had 20 point drops last 9 weeks in every subject but math which she has maintained a 95, brought 2 grades up, two down and math down to a 74! She had no A's. Now the first 9 weeks she had all A's, then last time she had only 1. I have emailed the teacher about what happened, I had NO idea. Math is definitely not an area she struggles with, so something is up. UGH. So I sent everyone upstairs to their rooms until dad got home, so I could think. My youngest was looking for his favorite stuffed animal in the playroom. he enlisted his brothers help, long story, but it was okay. i go upstairs this morning and find the whole playroom trashed. I am so mad. This is the room I had been working so hard at getting them to pick up, they finally just quit playing. When I mean trashed, I don't mean a few toys out. Literally they have everything they own on the floor, plus we have 3 33 gallon storage bins (not sure how big, but i think that is it), with lids, that for some reason my 8 year old decided to dump out and not pick up! We have been moving my dad and not had a lot of time to clean up around here, my whole house is messy, but geesh. I just lost it with them this morning. I said gee, I guess when i sent you upstairs and you were in trouble none of you thought hmmm...maybe i could clean a little and maybe she won't be mad. Anyway...just another day, but UGH. I just have reached that point, I can take nothing else. I really do feel like I just might blow something in my body if it doesn't get better! I can feel the veins about to rupture..LOL! I feel like I have tried everything with my kids and they just are the most selfish self centered brats these days, the world apparently revolves around them and I missed it! I have yet to find a punishment that is effective or really seems to phase them. Today the playroom all gets taken away....maybe no toys will make them appreciate what they did have. If you read this far, thanks...i just needed to calm down..I do know things will get better!

By Ladypeacek on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 10:45 am:

LOL!! I think we all have days like that. I understand too about the mess! Mine do it too. And i get how when you punish them you would THINK they would try to do something to get out of trouble but NO they make it worse!! As far as punishment taking the toys may not be the best solution. I have been down that road and it seems that i get more mad because they aggravate me to death!! I would suggest adding some extra chores and making them do things you have to do, or you make a big mess and make them clean it all up. I did that once, lol. My daughter kept messing up the family room and not cleaning up, so while she was at school and took ALL her toys and clothes out and threw them everywhere! She was not happy about cleaning a mess she did not make and with HER stuff!! Well she cleans up now!

By Marg on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 12:49 pm:


Do you watch survivor Kaye?

You know what you are, you are the survivor of the week, don't they call it something like, the survivor who survived through the pain?

I'm just teasing you, but I do believe Mother's deserve awards, lol!

How do we survive and what gives us strength!

By Texannie on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 01:42 pm:

Nope..sorry, your kids can't be because mine are!!!
I wish I had answers, but believe me, I know how you feel. It's been a banging the head against the wall week here too.

By Coopaveryben on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 05:27 pm:

I hope you feel better today. I noticed that with myself too, when the house gets messy I feel a lot worse.

By Jodie on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 08:31 pm:

I hear ya . Hugs .Some days/weeks are just worse than others. Somedays the work just never seems to end. The gorcery shopping , the laundry , the leaky basement, ds's allergy starts , I cut myself cooking , and my study paper is due the next day - all in one day and I'm ready to scream and pull my hair out by the time DH gets home!LOL! Sometimes I do ! LOL!

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