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He's a head banger !

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: He's a head banger !
By Chloe on Saturday, March 13, 2004 - 09:36 pm:

Hello Everyone,
Haven't posted in a while. Getting ready to move across country in two weeks and everything is in chaos, boxes and piled everywhere. My 15 month old who seems to be going through terrible two's early is acting out in some dramatic ways.He is very demanding of my attention and does everything he's not supposed to. He has started bonking his head on the wall or the floor and then looking for a reaction. I don't do a thing to energize it unless it really was an accident and he needs to be comforted. He did it very hard on my friend's wood floor the other day and everyone was shocked but I didn't react. He gets lots of attention and cuddling time (still nursing) but I think he is bored in this cluttered little apartment and running out of things to do.We are moving to his Granparent's house where he will have more space and family to interact with, so I hope this will pass when we are in a new environment , but it does worry me.
All mothers are saints and geniuses with what we have to go through, give yourseves a big hug and a chocolate cookie from me ...and I could use some too:)

By Palmbchprincess on Sunday, March 14, 2004 - 12:51 pm:

Chloe, I can sympathize... they do strange things don't they? My kids bang their heads on the crib bars, and Shane used to bang his head on the floor when he was upset. It passed for us, and he's no worse for wear. Good luck, it sounds like you pretty much have it under control!!

By Coopaveryben on Sunday, March 14, 2004 - 01:42 pm:

My 14 month DS does it for funny, he thinks he is the most hilarious thing on the planet when he does it until he really hurts himself sometimes. I just ignore it I figure it will hurt enough he'll stop. He walks up to brick walls and bangs his head, hardwood floor, you name it. He also tries to head butt us, this is a problem because he has put huge knots on his and his brothers heads. I put him in his crib when he does it.

Do you think that he is upset about the boxes, maybe he knows something is about to happen and he doesn't really understand? Even a happy move can be difficult. Have you packed his things away?

By Chloe on Sunday, March 14, 2004 - 11:59 pm:

Thanks Coopaveryben,
OOHH brick walls !!God help me.

I haven't packed away any of his things yet.

We were using his play yard for a time out and took that down a few weeks ago so now he has no time out and it's hit or miss when he hears a no.

I'm hesitant to use the crib for a time out because he doesn't like sleeping in there as it is and I don't wan't him to associate it with a punishment.Does yours sleep in the crib?

By Coopaveryben on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 04:59 pm:

He sleeps in the crib but you could use the high chair, I do sometimes. "No" is apparently a very hard word to understand, my 1 year old...well it's useless for me.

By Momaroze on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 07:38 pm:

Stress. The move is likely very unsettling for him. Sounds like your doing everything possible though, considering his young age. I'm sure it will end soon.

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