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Car sickness

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Car sickness
By Zoemarcov on Saturday, March 6, 2004 - 09:31 am:

Does anyone have any tips on preventing car sickness without giving your child drugs? my 8 yr old daughter Julie cant seem to stay in the car for more than half an hour without getting sick and it makes driving anywhere far away take a very long time!

By Karen~moderator on Saturday, March 6, 2004 - 10:16 am:

Jen was always like that. This is what we did: She usually sat in the front seat, we always had air moving in the car (air conditioner or vent), she looked ahead and out of the window, instead of looking down or turning around, etc. and NO READING in the car!

I am a person who cannot read in the car because it makes me sick.

Have you tried any of the above??

By Melanie on Saturday, March 6, 2004 - 10:20 am:

Have you tried those sea bands? Those are the wrist bands that hit a pressure point on your wrist. It doesn't work for everyone, but it would be worth a try.

By Kernkate on Saturday, March 6, 2004 - 10:53 am:

My DS Tom was always like that when he was little probably until 14 years old. He always had to sit in the front seat if we were going to drive more then 1/2 hour. And it seemed to make it better in the front and looking straight ahead. But now with the laws with the car seat it probably not advisable to do it.
At times for school bus trips or really long trip I had to give Tom Dramamines, thats what the doctor recommended.

By Trina~moderator on Saturday, March 6, 2004 - 12:08 pm:

I strongly advise NOT to put kids in the front seat, especially with an air bag. NOT safe.

As a child I got car sick a lot. Sitting by the window and having fresh air via a cracked window or a vent always helped. I also had to keep my eyes looking out the window at the scenery. Looking about the interior of the car made me woozy. Fresh water and crackers to munch on helped as well. Of course, having a vomit bag and cleaning stuff available is a must just in case. Stopping often on long trips to get out and stretch,...

By Mommmie on Saturday, March 6, 2004 - 02:27 pm:

Oh gosh, that's me, Motion Sickness Queen. I have trouble in movie theatre's where the camera moves around a lot.

I wear the wristbands (purchased at a drug store). They help a lot. I even wear them to watch movies. Always on airplanes. I don't get carsick as long as I'm driving. Can't read too many billboards or anything though. Just being in the front seat helps. For a child I would tell her to sit in the front seat for certain short trips if legal and the seat is far back or sit in the middle of the back seat facing forward, looking forward out to the horizon, never out to the side. Aks her not to move her head too much.

What I've learned about Dramamine is if you're already feeling queasy when you take them, they just make you throw up. If you take them ahead of time, it can help.

By Colette on Saturday, March 6, 2004 - 04:49 pm:

I used to get car sick as a child all the time. Short trips, sitting in the front (if you can shut off the air bag, if you can't I'd move the seat all the way back), no reading in the car, don't look out the side windows and keep a window open, if anyone smokes in the car, don't while she's in it.

By Sue3 on Saturday, March 6, 2004 - 09:23 pm:

My DD Tess was like yours also.Even though it wasn`t safe we always did what Karen and Kathy did and she sat in the front seat,
It was the only way we knew of preventing her from getting sick.
I am so glad she out grew it,she is 9 now.

By Kaye on Sunday, March 7, 2004 - 09:29 am:

My doc reccomended benedryl for my infant who got car sick. I guess it has they same meds as dramamine but not as strong.

By Trina~moderator on Sunday, March 7, 2004 - 09:34 am:

I have to say I don't understand the logic of putting a child in a high risk seating position (ie: front seat) just to try to prevent car sickness. I certainly understand the desire to want to avoid car sickness because it's NOT fun, (BTDT myself) but which is worse? Enduring car sickness or taking the risk of death or serious injury in the event of a crash just to prevent car sickness? The front passenger seat is VERY unsafe for children, especially with air bags. Personally, I'd rather take other actions to prevent and/or relieve car sickness for my children. The risk of the front seat is just too high.

Please read this article.

Air Bag Safety

By Karen~moderator on Sunday, March 7, 2004 - 09:41 am:

You're right about the air bag issue, Trina. When Jen was young, the cars we had didn't have passenger side air bags, so it wasn't a concern. She's 19 now, so my advice is outdated I guess. LOL She still gets motion sickness BTW, even riding in the front.

By Eve on Sunday, March 7, 2004 - 10:51 am:

Oh, I hate car sickness! My DD just got sick yesterday in the car. She does it every so often. So, I've never really been sure if it's something she ate, a virus, or car sickness. I keep a roll of paper towels, wipes and plastic bags in the car. (Also, extra change of clothes! Which I forgot yesterday! Uggh!)

Air really, really helps me! I used to ride with the window down and that helped me SO much. What about a little tiny fan to blow on your DD's face. I would also try the Sea Bands. The other thing, is scent. I know this sounds crazy, but I think lavender is really soothing for an upset tummy. I have had experiences in the past, where I have really needed to try everything. This actually worked. I kept a little bottle of lavender lotion and I just kept sniffing. I don't know if it tricks your brain into thinking of something else, but it does help. I would give it a try. That's also good for headaches.

Good luck. I feel for her. I used to get very sick in the car. I hope you can find something to help. Does your pediatrician have any advice?

By Kernkate on Sunday, March 7, 2004 - 09:14 pm:

Ditto what Karen said, my son is 18 I guess our advice is way outdated.

By Fraggle on Monday, March 8, 2004 - 09:34 am:

When I was little I had trouble with car sickness- cracking the window helped sometimes, sucking on some ice chips helped. I've never really been a fan but ginger can help-either the candied kind or even ginger snaps.

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