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Why is everything a struggle? *can i vent a bit?*

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Why is everything a struggle? *can i vent a bit?*
By Bellajoe on Friday, February 27, 2004 - 04:54 pm:

This is pretty much a venting post....

Lately everything with my three-year-old is a struggle! Anything and everything i ask him to do, or not to do gets a "NO" answer! It's drivng me insane. I try to talk to him calmly, it doesn't work, I yell at him, still not much of a response. I've been sending him to his room more and more often. I hate having to fight with a three year old every day! Why can't he just say "o.k. mommy" like my dd does? He's just so stubborn! I just want to pull my hair out and scream!!! AHHHH!

Ahem, i feel a bit better now. Thanks for "listening"

By Yjja123 on Friday, February 27, 2004 - 05:00 pm:

Oh the joys of the terrible twos--or rather terrible threes! My son went through this and eventually he outgrew it. It was a stage and it was exhausting. I have no advice other than what my mother told me "this too shall pass".
Good luck and {{{hugs!}}}

By Mommyathome on Friday, February 27, 2004 - 06:18 pm:

I'm in your situation. I have a DD that is an angel and does whatever I say and I have one that is exact opposite and everything with her is a struggle.
It's funny how two kids from the same family can turn out so differently isn't it?

By Fionadeassis on Saturday, February 28, 2004 - 01:00 am:

oooohhhhh....sounds like my son. All I can say is 'pick your battles'.....and will pass......


By Bellajoe on Saturday, February 28, 2004 - 09:37 am:

thanks, it's nice to know i'm not the only one :)

By Palmbchprincess on Saturday, February 28, 2004 - 02:05 pm:

I'm right there with you. The kids are into everything, stubborn as mules, and everything we do is a struggle!

By Lsc12 on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 11:38 am:

Hi Girls of the "No" Children,

I am here to say that, "Before you know it, they will be into another phase" I have 3 sons, 30,27,20 and a granddaughter 2 1/2. Believe me when I tell you, don't stress about these things b/c this is THE fun time. All of my boys have such different personalities, so I found that you have to find what works for each child. Yelling rarely has any effect on them and you will end up stressed with a headache. If you want to get them to do something try tricking them to make it seem like it was there idea or making a game out of it or whisper in their ear very low and softly,asking them to do what you want them to do. I may work. Yes, you may say, I don't have the time for that, but, believe me time flys and one day you will wish you had those precious moments back.

Good Luck

By Amy~moderator on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 02:02 pm:

I try to remember that every day, Lyn. I have been working on having more patience and cherishing each moment with my children. It's so hard when I'm dealing with 3 small children, but when I think about it, it's really kind of fun. :)

By Dawnk777 on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 02:58 pm:

They do grow up too fast! You think they are going to be little forever, but pretty soon they are in school and before you know it, they are already in high school.

By Trisa on Thursday, March 18, 2004 - 05:55 pm:

Oh my dd does the same thing!
Some days it can drive you bonkers!
But I look at my son who is 10 and I think
Gee he was just a rotten at 2-3 years old and it WILL pass. Then its on to other stuff.
Its always something! The 2-3 year age really is hard. My dd is alot stronger willed than by son was. But right now she just climbed up on my lap to give me a hug. Thats the good stuff and thats what really matters.

By Karen~moderator on Friday, March 19, 2004 - 07:38 am:

Lyn, great words of wisdom! Mine are 32, 31, 20 and 19, and I WISH I could go back in time!!! And BTW, with my 19 y/o, everything is STILL a struggle! LOL

By Kernkate on Friday, March 19, 2004 - 09:08 pm:

Boy can I relate to this my DD who was 3 in Sept. is the same way. By the time she goes to bed I am frazzled! But my oldest is 18 and I still can not figure old where all the years went so with DD I try and be patient. As they grow way to quick. And Karen I agree with you. Tom is 18 and just as bad of a struggle as Alissa at 3...LOL:)

By Karen~moderator on Saturday, March 20, 2004 - 10:54 am:

My problem is (partially, at least) that I tried to raise mine to be independent and think for themselves and stand up for themselves and not be afraid to say no, disagree or give their opinions and stand by them. So, with Jen, all that comes back to haunt me because we lock horns more often than not these days.

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