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Separation anxiety?

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Separation anxiety?
By Carolk on Friday, February 27, 2004 - 10:49 am:

My DD will be 10 months old in March, and if I put her down and walk out of her sight she screams. If I'm anywhere near her and someone else is holding her, she screams for me. Right after I pick her up she stops. If she really wants me, she'll even scream when DH is holding her. I didn't have this problem with DS, but I know it can happen. Any ideas on when it ends or suggestions on how to cope or handle or even get her over this anxiety? I wonder if it has to do with breastfeeding. I only breastfed my son for 6 weeks, but she was breastfed for almost 6 months. Any help would be appreciated. TIA.

By Emdee on Friday, February 27, 2004 - 12:04 pm:

I feel like I am in the same boat as you! My dd is 10 months old and does the same, except maybe not to the same extent. I am working at home right now, but she wants me in sight at all times (on bad days). She will play on the floor just fine with me sitting right beside her, but as soon as I start to stand up, she starts screaming. Same in the car--if she can hear me then she wants me in the backseat beside her. But then there are other days when she plays pretty good on her own. And when I leave her somewhere, she almost always screams! I think with mine it sometimes has to do with how she is feeling--if she isn't feeling good (teething or whatever), then she wants me around 24/7. I am still breastfeeding, so maybe that does create some more attachment issues. There definitely is a bond there. It is hard when you need to get stuff done, but I just keep reminding myself of the wonderful blessing God has allowed me to have with her and try to just cherish every moment (peaceful and stressful!). I hope things get a little better for you and her--I don't have much advice, but I wanted you to know that other babies are the same way!

By Carolk on Friday, February 27, 2004 - 02:38 pm:

Emily, I'm a stay at home mom. She's exactly like what you describe with your DD. She's fine if I'm right next to her but if I get up to leave she cries. It is nice to know that I'm not alone out there. Thanks.

By Kim on Friday, February 27, 2004 - 04:00 pm:

I don't think it is breastfeeding, I think it is the child. I have four kids, only one is like this. I also work with daycare kids, age 1, about 15 of them. Three of them have this problem and are having a hard time adjusting to the daycare setting. I tell these children what I am going to do or what is going to happen before it happens. If I have to go out of sight for a minute I tell them that I have to go get another child for whatever reason and I will be right back. To wean them in daycare I keep the child close to me but not holding the child. I can always hold their hand or touch them no matter what I am doing. Once they learn to trust they are usually ok. None of the older kids that I have had continued with this problem for more than 6 months. They do know what you are telling them even this young, I believe. I would just keep reassuring them until they feel comfy that you ARE there, just not in sight for a little bit. SOme people ssay to do it a minute a time, come back and reassure the child and then slowly move up to more time. Whatever you do, I whish you luck. I know how frustrating this can be.

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