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Help! When will I have a decent nights rest

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Help! When will I have a decent nights rest
By Momaroze on Monday, February 16, 2004 - 12:12 pm:

Just wondering, my son is only 13 weeks, when can I expect him to sleep for at least 6hours, or am I expecting too much out of my sweet little man...I have two older boys, but have forgotten the infant stage....need some support thanks.

By Juliem on Monday, February 16, 2004 - 02:02 pm:

Hello. I certainly don't envy you. I have a four year old, and I can remember thinking would I ever get to sleep all night again. She started sleeping for about six to seven hours at time when she was 3 months old. Oh, goodness, you are past that. Are you breast feeding? I did that for about three weeks, because she wouldn't take from me, and I had to pump and then feed. I couldn't get any sleep and wasn't enjoying it at all, so I decided to stop, much to the criticism of everyone! I know I started her on cereal pretty early, with an infant feeder. Yes, I've done all the wrong things, but she has survived! It does seem never ending, but you know it will, and then you will wish you had that sweet little baby to hold. Try to get your husband to help on the weekends. I took off work for three months, and my husband wouldn't get up at night at all, except on Saturday night. Good luck. This, too, will pass.

By Momaroze on Monday, February 16, 2004 - 02:34 pm:

Hi Julie,
This internet thing takes some getting used to. I believe I posted a message for you somewhere else, let me know if you get it....yes baby related. Anyways I'm not breastfeeding anymore that only lasted 6 weeks....same problem. I think I will start with the rice cereal. Baby is 14lbs so maybe just hungry.....what works for one may not work for another. I'm glad to meet with women via internet....although it seems a little strange this will take some getting used to. My husband really needs to give me a break....I haven't had much of that....I suppose it would do me a world of good.....and yes, time does go by quickly. Thanks for listening. Don't know much about dogs, but lots about poultry (I know you just can't compare haha) bye for now, and if you don't see my message I just wanted to say your daughter is very cute and as I said angelic like. Bye for now.

By Dawnk777 on Monday, February 16, 2004 - 06:38 pm:

I was lucky. My older dd (now 14) started sleeping through the night (or at least from 10-11pm until 6am, anyway) at about 8 weeks and was sleeping 12 hours 7a-7p at about 12 weeks.

My younger dd (now 11) was sleeping longer nights about three months, but not every night. Some nights she would wake up and some nights she wouldn't. Of course, on the nights the baby slept, then the older one would wake up with night terrors.

Many babies don't like to sleep through the night, though. My sister's baby (10 now) slept very little when she was little and almost drove her parents nuts.

By Momaroze on Monday, February 16, 2004 - 07:03 pm:

Hi Dawn, thanks for posting. I thought most babies didn't like to sleep much at night, but I have to tell you almost all moms I talk to tell me the opposite. I guess my other 2 older boys didn't sleep much either? Oh well, enough of this topic. I guess I could handle being temporarily nuts for a short time (haha)P.s when did you start feeding? I'm thinking that may be part of the problem. E

By Dawnk777 on Monday, February 16, 2004 - 08:31 pm:

Doctor said to start cereal about 4 months with the first one. At 4 months, she wasn't really all the interested. At 5 months, she was definitely interested and loved eating baby food!

The second one would throw up everytime I tried to feed her baby food! LOL! She was about 7 months before she starting eating food on a regular basis. I think she was about 6 months before we even started trying, though.

When she threw up, it would be a major mess! Yikes. All over the wall by her crib, all over the crib and all over her. A major cleanup job involving scrubbing the wall, changing the crib sheet and giving her a bath! Yikes, I'm glad that's long past now.

By Karen~moderator on Monday, February 16, 2004 - 10:48 pm:

I was going to say *when he is around 30 or so*, but I realize you won't think that's funny at this point. Sorry, I don't have any advice for you, but I can certainly sympathize!

By Fionadeassis on Monday, February 16, 2004 - 11:27 pm:

My ds didn't sleep through the night for 2 years(and I breastfed for 2 years).At 2 when I quit breastfeeding,he started to sleep for about 6 hours at a time which I thought was heaven!

I remember watching old Waltons reruns a lot at about 4AM. Plus I would stare out my livingroom window at all the dark homes and think..."everyone in the whole world is asleep except me!"......I cried a lot at night the first year.....

In some ways I am not looking forward to that again(baby is due at the end of june).Hopefully this baby will be different from the first one!

Oh well...I will probably be posting here in the middle of the night a lot! LOL!!


By Momaroze on Tuesday, February 17, 2004 - 10:20 am:

Fiona, sounds just like me. I was up at 3:30 this morn....2 years of breastfeeding WOW hats off to you. Two years without a good nights rest I hope is not in the cards for me....Anyways that's o.k. I will survive and am just thankful for a healthy baby....June is a great time to have a baby...I think. Bye for now.

By Fionadeassis on Tuesday, February 17, 2004 - 11:30 am:

HAHA!! I was up at 3:00 this morning because ds peed the bed. Then it took me about an hour to get back to sleep. Oh well....getting training for the new baby........

When you do finally get to have a full nights sleep-you really appreciate it!

It would be cool to chat to other moms in the middle of the night.When Eliah was about a year old,there was a woman who lived downstairs from me.Sometimes in the middle of the night her toddler would be awake and she would see my light reflecting outside her window. She would call up the balcony and we would stand out there talking for a few minutes. We always said that one night we would go to each others place but we never did. Too busy trying to get our kids to sleep. But it was nice to know that I wasn't the only mom up!

By Trina~moderator on Tuesday, February 17, 2004 - 11:36 am:

My DS started sleeping through the night at 5 mos.. DD didn't sleep through the night until 16 mos., when she finally weaned from nursing. I remember thinking it was cool to hear an owl hooting every night between 2-3 AM. Hey, I was trying to be positive about being up at that hour. LOL!

By Momaroze on Tuesday, February 17, 2004 - 11:49 am:

I'm on baby time that's all. What can I say, your up at 3 Trina was up at 2, I just wish I would'nt get so frustrated and stubborn about going back to sleep I just figured what's the point, besides my ds was up with growing pains too so....I will pay later. Dear old baby is sleeping now...viscious cycle it is. Truthfully though it is sure peaceful at that time!!!

By Juliem on Saturday, February 21, 2004 - 02:29 pm:

Hi, Evalyne. Hope sleeping is getting a little better. I remember thinking I would pay someone a hundred dollars if I could just sleep all night. My DH never took me up on it! I admire everyone who has more than one child! I remember everyone telling me, don't let her sleep too much during the day, but I so enjoyed that time, that I wasn't about to wake her up! I could also nap during that time, but I see you've got two other boys. No rest for the weary!

By Jodie on Sunday, February 22, 2004 - 06:49 am:

Hi, I read your post a couple days ago but couldn't reply then. Well DS is 2 now and still wakes up 1-3 times. I've made a deal with my DH.He's been a doll with us co sleeping with DS right from the start. He co sleeps alone with DS 1 night a week and goes out for a poker night with his friends one evening over the weekend and comes home at midnight or so and he sleeps in the guest bedroom and gets his fun and rest too.It's been in place for 1 and a half year now and I know I can be assured of atleast one night of good 10 hour sleep uninterrupted and the same for DH.
I hope your baby starts sleeping thru the night soon. Mine never did! But it did get easier as he got older and more independent. Now we just keep his sippy cup of water on the head board and he gets himself and drink at midnight or whatever. He's just such a restless sleeper.

By Momaroze on Sunday, February 22, 2004 - 12:24 pm:

Hi all, baby is sleeping better. Maybe once they hit the 3 month mark things settle. He is also in a jolly jumper now, thank goodness for the jollyjumper. I also do not sleep with him anymore that seems to help. Both my other boys slept with me all the time but this one doesn't like to I guess. That is just fine as long as we are getting more sleep!!!! He still wakes 3 or 4 times during the night and some nights lately, it's been only twice. Twice I can handle and I'm sure is quite normal at this age. Thanks guys.

By Sue3 on Monday, February 23, 2004 - 01:30 pm:

I don~t have any advice either. I sympathize with you though.All three of my kids didn`t sleep through the night until they were 18 months old !
My girl friend has 2 year old triplets and
they started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks (I`m not kidding).
So I hope your baby boy sleeps more for you very soon so you can feel back to normal..

By Kolbysmom on Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - 09:57 am:

I don't have any advice either! I didn't realize how lucky I was/am until now! My DS would go to sleep between 8-9 pm. He'd wake up every 4 hours during the night(always midnight and 4 am on the dot). Then he'd be up at 8 a.m. for a few hrs. He took a nap every two hrs. and slept for 2 hrs until he was a year and a half. He has ALWAYS went to bed at 8. He started sleeping through the night at around 2 months. When he was waking up through the night for feedings, DH and I would take turns and one night a week he got up both times so I could sleep! DS is almost 3(in June) and he still goes to bed at 8pm and gets up around 7:30, he also takes one nap at 12:30 and sleeps for 2-3 hrs. I've had it REALLY easy!

By Coopaveryben on Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - 09:35 pm:

I feel for you, I have three boys. My 6 year old still doesn't sleep nights. When we brought him home he slept in 30 minute blocks if he was in his bed, I finally decided it wasn't worth it (after a week without sleep) and I didn't care what anybody said, we put him in our bed. That helped him and us so much.

My other two weren't quite as bad it just seems some babies need that closeness.

When my first was born I remember going to pick my niece up from 1st grade when he was 6 weeks old. I was about 5th in line, I woke up to my old 4th grade teacher knocking on my window. There were about 30 cars behind me the last I remembered, when I woke up their were 2, they all just started pulling around me. NICE!

It does get better, sleep when you can. Forget trying to keep the house clean for a little and take those moments to rest.

By Momaroze on Thursday, February 26, 2004 - 08:43 pm:

Awww! Time does go by quickly though, doesn't it. You do have to rest whenever possible. It drives me nuts when the house is a mess, I feel like things are out of control. I am getting better at this rest thing though. I am also working out which does help my energy levels (that's if I don't over do it) Thanks.:)

By Echo on Friday, February 27, 2004 - 10:15 am:

My daughter is 7months now. She's been waking up at least 5 times a night since birth. For the first 4 months she woke up every hour to hour and a half. I think I'm lucky if I get 3 hours straight. I sometimes feel like I'm losing my mind. My husband doesn't help at all. He doesn't even hear her anymore and often tells people that she sleeps through the night (because he does). I cringe when he says that. He's not all bad. He does offer to help, but it never works. He gets up and she still screams so I'm still not sleeping. What's the point of us both being awake?

I've tried all the techniques that the books say, but all they do is make the situation worse. I'll try something new and she wakes up 8 times instead of 5. I'm breastfeeding so maybe I'll stop feeding her when she wakes at night, but I just get so scared that she won't fall back asleep at all.

Since nothing has worked for me I don't really have any advice. Just thought it would help to know that you're not alone. It helps me a little. Good luck!

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