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Well baby checkups

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Well baby checkups
By Juli4 on Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - 11:26 am:

Do you all take your children to well baby checkups. I don't and have never taken them to the doctor when they don't need it. I personally think it is a waste of money to take them to someone who doesn't really know them and their normal behavior adn such so they can tell me all looks well. Now if they need to go then I take them wich has been very rarely. Actually my one year old has never been back to the doctor since her 2 motnh checkup (wich I always take them to just to make sure they are getting enough milk and such). Just wanted to know what everyone else does. I know some people would never miss an appointment, but I don't really see the point in it unless you think there may be a problem and you know when something is just not right with your kids.

By Kittycat_26 on Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - 11:33 am:

I've taken Timmy to all of his well child appointments. But then until his 18 month old check up he was getting the rest of his vaccinations.

By Kate on Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - 11:46 am:

Well, I'm very conservative when it comes to medicine and doctors, but I do advise well baby check ups. They serve a few different purposes. One, you get to KNOW your doctor and the staff which is important because when your baby IS sick, you don't want to feel you're dealing with strangers. It also gives you a chance to see if you LIKE your doctor! Two, it gives your CHILD a chance to get to know their doctor, so that when they are truly sick and maybe scared, it will be easier on them having somewhat of a relationship with them already. Three, some first time moms truly wouldn't recognize a developmental problem, physical or emotional. It's not even first time moms, there are probably problems out there that seem insignificant that even an experienced mom wouldn't take seriously. I know a friend of mine recently took her four month old in for her well baby check and the doctor noticed one of her eyes isn't 'right'. It's not very noticeable to the average person, but this doctor did notice something and is referring her to an eye specialist right away. It could turn out to be nothing, but if it IS something, she has gotten immediate treatment which is important. Another friend didn't realize that it's a big deal that her baby couldn't bear his own weight by eight months AT ALL, and a more thorough check and possible physical therapy is being suggested at this point.

Yes, moms know their baby best, but they don't usually know medicine or pediatrics, so I think it's best to have those quick once overs every few months. And as I stated, having a history or relationship with your doctor can only be a good thing.

By Bubbels~admin on Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - 11:54 am:

Like Kittycat, I also took my DK's when they were very young for their scheduled checkups and vaccinations & such. After that, I only take them if I think they might need antibiotics or have a serious problem that I can't handle myself. I've been at this parenting thing for over 20 years, so I've BTDT for just about anything and can usually handle the situation on my own. Following are some of the reasons for which I'd strongly recommend a visit to the doctor though:

- Uncontrollable vomiting/diarrhea, because they might become dehydrated and have to be admitted to the hospital for IV fluids.

- Fever. If it's an infection and not a virus, they could benefit from antibiotics.

- Redness, swelling and heat around an open sore. This is what's called "cellulitis" and could quickly develop into "sepsis" (blood poisoning) and become very serious and possibly fatal.

- Head injury.

That's all I can think of at the moment, just to name a few. Maybe someone else can think of other good reasons to visit the pediatrician.

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - 12:15 pm:

My kids went to well-baby checkups until they were about 2 and then yearly checkups for 3, 4, and 5. Since then, they have only been to the doctor if they were sick.

By Melissa on Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - 12:33 pm:

I've always taken dd to all her well child checks and still do a yearly physical now she is 6. It just seems like a good idea to me, My Dr. has always done lots of developmental stuff as well as health which I like. I guess I like the reassurance of knowing my dd is growing and progressing normally. Then again we have good insurance so it isn't an issue of $.

By Tunnia on Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - 12:57 pm:

I took my kids to all their well baby checkups until they were 2yo and then annually after that. Starting this year I am only going to take my dd in for a physical every other year instead of annually. She is going to be 8yo this Spring, but my ds who will be 4yo in the Spring will still go every year until he is 8. Our insurance only pays for one well visit every 24 months so it makes sense to us to go every other year once the kids get to 8yo. It's crummy insurance, but we have still taken the kids annually and just paid out of pocket to make sure that they were growing properly and had no problems that we weren't noticing. Of course I take them any time they are ill enough to need to see the doctor.

By Kaye on Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - 01:33 pm:

When they were little I took them as the book said. Now it depends on the kid. My 8 year old, he has JRA and asthma, I don't take him for yearly check ups, he goes in enough. I guess officially he sees his rheumatogist even when he is mostly okay. My 10 year old, she is very healthy has mostly been, I take her for yearly check ups. They do weight and height, talk about normal development with her and I, what comes next. Her doc a couple of years ago sat down with us and talked about good food choices, the importance of food etc (she decided she didn't want to be fat and quit eating anything with fat written on the label). I agree it is much about the relationship you have with your doc. My daughter would have not as likely listened to a lecture from our doc if she wasn't used to her. My youngest, he goes for check ups, he has some issues, so we will likely be at docs too much. I have a special ed degree, you would be amazed at what people miss in their own children. Sometimes we get so focused on something we just miss others. I think a doc is a good neutral party to make sure all is going okay!

By Sunny on Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - 01:50 pm:

I am one who hasn't ever missed an appointment. I stopped taking my kids yearly when they were 5 and started taking them every 2- 3 yrs after that.
Our school requires physicals before entering K, 3rd and 7th grades.

I liken it to pregnancy. I had uncomplicated pregnancies and deliveries. Had I never seen a doctor during any of my pregnancies, I'm sure I would have been fine. BUT, the potential was there, as it is with every pregnancy, and I would have never thought of not seeing a doctor.

So, I play it safe and let our Ped keep an eye on my kids growth and development, too. I think it's money well spent. :)

By Babysitbarb on Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - 02:37 pm:

I took my kids to their well check ups until they were two and had , had all their shots.After that they only went if they wer sick. My DH's insurance doesn't pay real good for well check ups so this is the big reason why and I figured if there wasn't anything wrong then why go.

By Bellajoe on Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - 03:05 pm:

I took and still take my kids to their well child check ups. I agree with Kate, it's good to know your dr. and for you child to know the Dr. It's also very importanit IMHO to get those immunizations. Our dr. checks developmental stuff, listens to how they speak (my ds has a bit of a speech problem) checks their eyesight etc. I think it is very important. i don't think it is a waste of money at all.

By Momoffour on Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - 05:05 pm:

I took mine but it was a must for the twins. They were born premies and they needed constant check ups. but the are 2 1/2 now and they only go when they are sick or if I have any concerns. but there healthy and onery.

By Ginny~moderator on Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - 07:01 pm:

Here's a link to a description of what a doctor looks for in well baby visits:

Yes, you know your baby, but do you know how to measure head circumference and body and limb lengths and if the baby's development is within normal standards - not only at the time of the visit but comparing with previous measurements to see if the growth rate is normal or not? Can you check the lungs, abdomen, ears, eyes? Can you check, for example, for hip displaysia. Can you examine your dd's eyes to check the back of the eye (which is what they do) to check for symptoms of potential problems? (It is amazing how much a doctor can tell by looking at the back of the eye.) How about if the fontanel is closing normally, too soon, too late? Do you know how to determine if your child is developing normally and, if not, whether it is something to check out or is within normal limits? Sure, you can compare your dd with your other children or with the children of friends, but the pediatrician is comparing your child with the known standards of what is normal for all children, not just the handful you know.

Personally, I think it is taking unnecessary risks to not take your child for the well baby visits at the schedule recommended, at least up until two years of age, and annual or every two year checkups after that. Unless you have the training and experience the pediatric staff has, how can you really know things are going well? And when your daughter does get sick - and she will - and you take her to the doctor, there will be no medical history to tell the doctor what is normal for your dd, which will make diagnosis and treatment more difficult.

I just don't think it is worth the risk.

By Mommyathome on Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - 09:00 pm:

Ditto Ginny.

By Pamt on Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - 10:17 pm:

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take your babies for their well-child checkups!!!! I had a horrible experience at work today from just such an incident as a mother thinking she knew her babies, why did she need to have them checked out, etc. Turns out that this child is 4 y/o and only speaks 2 words and has an obvious syndrome with significant (read: life-threatening) cardiac complications associated with it and I got to be the bearer of the bad news since mom doesn't really like doctors. Even in a quick, cursory exam your pediatrician is evaluating so many things such as muscle tone, sensory responses, cardiac, GI, etc. even when it looks like just a quick, simple "Baby is fine" appt. I am a speech pathologist in a pediatric outpatient clinic and I see lots of kids with very subtle problems that often the parents don't notice or that they pass off as their child's "quirky personality." Pediatricians have gotten great about noticing things like toricollis (neck tilt in newborns cause by overly tight neck muscles...can slow down gross motor development), mild cerebral palsy, seizure disorders, sensory problems, low/high muscle tone, etc. ad naseum that parents just aren't trained enough to pick up on. In all likelihood, the child is fine at a well-baby checkup. If not, then the sooner intervention is started the better. If they are fine, then you have peace of mind.

And really, money should not be an option. Most insurance covers well-baby checkups and if you don't have insurance, the county health clinic and/or Medicaid will cover it.

Other reasons as stated above are also important...good relationship with the doctor, the doctor has a good complete medical history, the child learns to trust the doctor, etc.

By Fraggle on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 09:08 am:

I never miss a visit. I actually enjoy taking them and don't see it as a waste of time or money. My pediatrician is great and actually sits down to talk with me about my concerns/questions before, after and during the exam. Plus, since we have an established relationship with the practice, if I have a concern at night or even on the weekends, I can reach the on-call doctor-and avoid a trip to the emergency room.

By Christylee on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 10:44 am:

I'm so glad I checked in today in here... I need to call and schedule Brendan's 3 year exam, his birthday is next Monday... I've always took him to his, I'll spend the time from now until his visit writing down things to ask her.


By Emdee on Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 01:08 pm:

I too think it is a good idea to take to the well child visits. My 9 month old is sick alot so we are there alot anyway, but I would have missed her first ear infection had I not gone to her 6 month visit. I am sure it would have manifested itself at some later time with a fever, etc, but I am glad we got it checked early. Also, she has some developmental delays (probably due to being preemie) that I would have just worried over and not known all about had we not gone. And, in agreeance with everyone else, the relationship building is such a good thing.

By Juli4 on Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 10:16 pm:

My children are not sick or have they been sickly children. My husbands family has bad eye sight so we know that soon we will take her to get her eyes checked (she is 2.5). She has enough teeth now to need to go to the dentist. I am smart enough to know that if a two year old is only saying two words that something is wrong. I am not talking about not taking them to yearly appointments I mean like every two months that they reccommend and I don't start them on their immunization rounds until a year old and I have taken them to the clinic becuase of insurance and I get the shots for 10 dollars as opposed to 50 ./

By Melana on Saturday, February 7, 2004 - 01:50 pm:

my daughter is 6 months old now, and has missed her 4 month and six month checkups, partly due to moving, but mostly that I just don't have a way to get to the Dr. office, I don't drive, and DH doesn't get out of work till at least 5pm. I don't want her to miss her appointments, but I can't really do anything about it. But she's healthy and happy, so I don't worry to much(except the teething)

By Lauram on Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 03:47 pm:

I have to agree with Ginny, Pamt et al. Take them! It's so important to have an objective party give them a once over! My youngest has a heart murmur that was discovered at his well visit. It's just not worth the risk. "He's fine" are wonderful words- not a waste of time.

By Mommyathome on Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 04:44 pm:

Our pediatrician doesn't do checkups every two months once the child is over 18 months. Before that we go at 2 weeks, 6 weeks, 2 months, 6 months, 1 year, and then 18 months. After that is is 3 years, 5 years and then yearly.
We also get our vaccinations at the health clinic, but still have to pay full price for them.

By Kittycat_26 on Monday, February 9, 2004 - 08:19 am:

Our pediatrician ran the same schedule the Mommyathome listed above. However, Timmy was a preemie and had to go to the office monthly from 4 months til 10 months for his Synagis shot.

By Boxzgrl on Monday, February 9, 2004 - 12:41 pm:

Kaitlyn has faithfully been to every doctors appt. I see that it is very important for the same reasons stated above. It is not a waste of my time because I love to hear that my DD is healthy and if something did happen and she wasnt seen regular, how would I live without feeling guilty that she was "wasting" my time (or money) going to her dr. visits. I know a lot about medicine and such but i'm no pediatrician. Besides, dr. visits to me are another way to spend quality time together and of course brag to the dr.about how well shes doing :) (mommy thing!) And her shots are vital to her health IMO but thats just me. Everything I have done and will do for my DD will never be considered a "waste of time or money". Shes worth more money than I could ever make!

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