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Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Teeth
By Mommyathome on Saturday, January 10, 2004 - 09:51 pm:

My DD is 5 and has lost her two bottom teeth, and a third bottom tooth is loose and ready to come out.

My question is regarding straight/crooked teeth. Has anyone taken preventative measures against crooked teeth? Is there anything you can do? Can you visit the orthodontist at a young age and start working on things as you go along? I would think that if teeth looked to be crowding or something that they could recommend pulling certain teeth.
I never had braces, and my teeth are straight. I remember getting two permanent teeth pulled (top, close to the back) so that my teeth would grow in straight. I guess they were too crowded or something. Obviously it worked, because my teeth all grew in straight. There is no way I can ask my mom what that was all about.
So, does anyone know how/why/if this can be done?
I'm hoping that DD gets my teeth. DH had to have braces for 2 years in middle school. Our insurance will pay for that, but I don't want DD to go through that.

By Pamt on Saturday, January 10, 2004 - 10:48 pm:

I had 4 permanent teeth pulled (not inc. my wisdom teeth) and had braces in middle school for 2.5 years. My boys have apparently inherited my teeth :( When they first got their full set of baby teeth the dentist said they would need braces. When I asked him how he could tell since their teeth were perfectly straight, he showed me how they were close together with no room for the bigger permanent teeth to grow in. My oldest is almost 10 and his teeth are looking straighter than my 7 y/o. My 7 y/o has absolutely NO room in his mouth. My dentist wants to wait until they have all or most of their permanent teeth in. Most dentists or orthodontists who will put "braces" and similar appliances on small children are doing it simply to make money. There are occasionally times that appliances in young childhood are warranted, but it's not too common. I certainly wouldn't want any permanent teeth pulled until they all came in because if they ended up coming in okay, you've lost a tooth that can't be replaced. Just be patient...and remember that braces aren't all that bad.

By Debbie on Sunday, January 11, 2004 - 08:24 am:

When I was little my baby teeth were very close together with no room for my permanent teeth to come in. My mom said that our dentist pulled several of my baby teeth in the back to make room. I have perfectly straight teeth and never had to wear braces. My mom swears it is because of what our dentist did with my baby teeth. If you have concerns, why not talk with your dd's dentist.

By Mommmie on Sunday, January 11, 2004 - 08:35 pm:

Yes, it's called Preventive Orthodontics and your regular pediatric dentist will be happy to take your, help your child's teeth by putting in various appliances and pulling teeth during the early elementary years. The theory is that they won't have to endure orthodontics in middle school. That's the theory.

My theory for my pediatric dentist, voted the best in our city this year, by the way, is that he has two kids at private university and two kids at private prep school and $1,000 appliances pay those bills a lot faster than teeth cleanings and the occasional filling.

By Mommyathome on Sunday, January 11, 2004 - 09:49 pm:

Debbie...that is kind of what I am thinking about, is the baby teeth being to crowded, and not leaving room for the new ones to come in properly.

There is a girl that we know (not well) that has done things similar to this since grade school and she has had the most beautiful smile since she was in 5th grade. It is just beautiful.

My DH hated his braces. And, he's had them off for over 10 years and still has to have a retainer on the bottom. (permanent retainer), and if one of the little things on the retainer pops off, his teeth start moving again. Not wanting my kids to have to deal with this.

BTW, I'm not looking to do braces or retainers or anything like that at such a young age. Just x-rays and maybe some pullings to adjust the way the teeth are coming in.

My oldest DD is great at the dentist, and she goes again in February. My other DD (4) refuses to open her mouth at the dentist. She's been a dozen times, but they've never actually got to look in her mouth. And, it's her teeth that I'm more concerned about. They are all very tight and close together. I'm afraid once she loses a tooth, that the permanent tooth won't have room to grow in and will come in crooked.

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