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Attempting the potty training thing, whish us luck!

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Attempting the potty training thing, whish us luck!
By Insaneusmcwife on Wednesday, January 7, 2004 - 03:00 pm:

We are attempting to potty train, again. Poor dd has tried this a few times and has given up because of one thing or another. I am hoping this time will work. We are not moving or going anywhere for a while and most of the boxes are put away so she is starting to act her self again. She is back on the cuppie but is showing interest in the toilet again. She can get her pants up and down by herself and get on and off the toilet by herself now. She is constantly taking her pullup off and running around naked after she wets so I think she is ready. Any advice?

By Tonya on Wednesday, January 7, 2004 - 03:06 pm:

Persistance and rewards and good luck. If you are staying in let her go around the house in normal underware during the day when she is awake that way when she wets she has the feleing of it in her underware she will (if like most children) hate it and try harder to go in the toilet.

Good luck.

By Jodie on Wednesday, January 7, 2004 - 06:22 pm:

Goodluck ! It been a long process for us. DS just turned 2 . He's potty trained for #1 for the last couple months but #2 is completely out of reach as of yet.I've always used cloth diapers and that made it easier for him to feel the wetness . We started potty training at 18 months . After he grasped the concept of potty, getting on and off of it, taking off his diapers etc , it was just out of reach for him. He would wet himself while trying to take his diaper off . Training pants were the same. He just wasn't fast enough and he would end up feeling very bad about it. So I kept track of his peeing and pooping schedule and just started to leave him naked. That was REALLY hard for 2 weeks but after that everything just clicked . Though #2 is still out of reach. He's getting better everyday though. He's much faster now with his training pants and I use cloth training pants, so even a drop or 2 he feels it right away and runs to the potty.
Girls , I've heard are much easier to train than boys. All the moms at Gymboree say that. So, if that's indeed true it should go very well for you and your DD. I have just one DS and it's been very slow indeed.

By Fraggle on Wednesday, January 7, 2004 - 10:41 pm:

I'm hoping my DD who is 2 1/2 now will get reinterested in potty training, too. She was getting into it for a while a couple of months ago-peed in the potty once and never did it again. I have low expectations since her sister was 3 1/2 before she was potty trained. The only good thing about having to wait so long was when she finally figured out what to do-she had it mastered within a week and was wearing regular underwear with only a couple of accidents in over a year.

By Mommyathome on Wednesday, January 7, 2004 - 10:41 pm: you work at Gymboree? I LOVE that store. I could live there.
My latest favorite is the Sweet Cupcake Line for girls....but you probably are shopping for boy stuff though, huh...LOL

About potty training, does your DS use the regular toilet or a little plastic one? My DS will be 2 on Friday and we have been working with him. We've just been using the regular toilet.
My girls refused the plastic ones, and wanted to use the big one, so we didn't even bring out the plastic one for DS. (we actually don't even have it anymore)
Also, did you teach him to stand up, or sit down for peeing? I keep getting conflicting advice. Maybe I'll post a topic on this!

By Kernkate on Thursday, January 8, 2004 - 09:21 am:

Best of Luck!! DD who was 3 in Sept. is finally doing pretty well with the potty, except at nighttime.

By Beth on Thursday, January 8, 2004 - 09:56 am:

We are giving this a shot also. My dd will be three at the end of this month. She decided this week she wanted to wear underwear. Of course she has had a few accidents. But only one each day. Luckily both times she was standing in the kitchen. Not sitting on the couch or anything. It would be much easier for me if she would wear a pull up but that is always what she has been reisistant about. So we will let her wear underwear for now. She does where a pullup for bed. I have decided for now not to even buy a pack of diapers. If there not here then she can't insist in putting them on. I just hope she doesn't do number 2 in her panties!! UGH! So good luck!

By Insaneusmcwife on Thursday, January 8, 2004 - 11:55 am:

We tried letting her run around yesterday in just her panties. Sometimes she tells me she has to go, other times she goes and takes off her panties and hides them and then tells me she has to go potty. Which I don't understand the hiding because she has NOT gotten in trouble for accidents. Well on to another day of trying.

By Jodie on Thursday, January 8, 2004 - 02:09 pm:

Hi mommyathome. Ds wasn't comfortable with climbing up on the footstool for the regular toilet even after I attached a smaller toddler seat on top of our adult seat. Actually I was surfing the net for potty seats/chairs and found this really cool looking toddler replica of an adult toilet. I mean the real deal including the toilet , the tank and a flush that really makes a flushing sound . It's called TOTCO training potty .Not at all plasticy looking. Very posh looking. A mini me of a toilet! DS loves to flush. Actually while training, DS used to flush his potty to indicate he has to go and I would help him with his clothes back then ! I also have it in the bathroom , so he sees us go and learned that way too.It's a really comfortable and easy to clean potty . We love it.
DS pees sitting down right now. When he's about 3 and fully trained for #2 as well then I'll start the standing up thing. No big deal. The point is they pee in the potty. Rest is just semantics. It's really easier concept wise and balance wise to train sitting down. That way he can read a book if he likes and sometimes if I'm lucky he'll poop at the same time too.
REMEMBER they very often poop when they pee if it's their scheduled poop time. So standing up wouldn't have worked at all . Too messy . I'll wait till he's poopy trained , then I'll teach him to stand and go. He sees his dad go standing so he knows there is another way . But mommy tinkles sitting down so he's ok with that too.I need him to have better poop control. I cleaned up enough messes when I used to leave him naked so he'd get the general concept of elimination.
Goodluck with your DS .

By Trisa on Thursday, January 8, 2004 - 03:32 pm:

My dd was trained before she turned 2. I used potty traing sticker charts and they worked GREAT!! she got 1 for peeing and 2 for pooping.
The charts are free at Just an idea for you. I still cant believe how easy she was to train. My son was 3 before he was trained. He is 10 now and I did not try the sricker thing with him. I was to dumb back then to even think of it I guess!!

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