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DD driving me crazy

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: DD driving me crazy
By Trisa on Tuesday, December 30, 2003 - 03:01 pm:

I almost did not even post this. Please don't take this the wrong way. I love my dd VERY much. Here is my story. My dd who is only 2 has always been a kid who NEEDS CONSTANT STIMULATION. She was like this even as a tiny baby. She has always been super smart. She did everything early. She was potty trained ( PEE) before she was 2 and when she turned 2 she was totally trained. She can count to 15 with no problem. She knows all her primary colors. She knows some numbers and letters by sight. She brings paper to me a 100 times a day and wants me to write down her name. She wants to be doing something at all times. I am lucky if she naps 45 min for me all day. She sleeps at night but wakes me up when she has to pee a good thing I know. I am not trying to complain but does everything I tell you seem like she is smart? What I am trying to say is, is this why she ALWAYS has to be learning something? I play with her ALL day. She loves books and to tell you the truth after reading for 45 min I get SICK of it! Even the way she plays is so grown up it is kind scary! does anyone else have a kid like this? I am a SAHM and I really never get away. My hubby works LONG hours. I do go to moms groups 3 times a month and she does get to play with other kids then and when we go to church on Sunday. Today I was just feeling soooo worn out and wanted to post this. Even her Sunday school teacher tells me that my dd sits in class and pays attention like a 4 year old would and at her 2 year old checkup the doc told me she was as smart as a 3 1/2 year old. Its just makes me so worn out everyday. Hope I didnt sound to stupid!! My son who is almost 10 was NEVER like this. he would at least sit and watch tv for a bit and play on his own. If she is not getting enough simulation she will go find stuff to get into to. example last week I was busy and she got in the fridge and poured the box of baking soda all over the floor!! As bad at it was I still had to grab the camera and take a picture of the mess!! Ahhhh motherhood!!!!!

By Debbie on Tuesday, December 30, 2003 - 03:35 pm:


My ds is somewhat like your dd. He is not as advanced as your dd sounds. However, he wants someone to play with him 24/7 and he is very "busy" all day long. He drives me nuts. I love him dearly and he has such a fun, energetic personality, but he wears me out!!! Before we moved I put him in preschool 2 mornings a week and it helped out so much. It gave me a break and gave him the social interaction he needed. Is this an option for you???

I don't know what else to offer. Just know that you are not alone. My older ds is also nothing like this. When I get frustrated with my youngest, I try to remember that it won't be long and he'll be in school full time. Then I will be complaining about how much I miss him.

By Trisa on Tuesday, December 30, 2003 - 04:04 pm:

Well I cant find a preschool that will even take her 1 day a week because she is not 3 yet. I even told them she is potty trained. I know what you mean. I do tell myself soon she will be grown. But as you know it still is hard to deal with everyday!!!

By Marg on Tuesday, December 30, 2003 - 04:22 pm:


I have the same problem. I have a 3 yo like Debbie and she is busy 24/7! Some days I could scream. We don't have any close preschools. I even asked my husband if he thought she had add. He said probably not she's just wide-awake and curious. Some days it really stresses me and others I'm ok.

By Truestori on Tuesday, December 30, 2003 - 07:02 pm:

Just know that you aren't alone! My daughter was like this at your daughter's age. She is 10 now(5th grade) and has tested out of 9th grade in a few subjects! I remember making everything a learning game! We would go to the store and she would add up how much this product and this product cost...At two she could tie her shoes and everyone else at her preschools! It is really quite fun to have a motivated child, but it can become frustrating. I always planned ahead, and I made sure that she had plenty of stuff to do.. Most important I taught her how to play on her own, and that gave me some down time. My husband worked 15 hour days at the time so I know how you are feeling..Hang in there :)

By Trisa on Tuesday, December 30, 2003 - 08:44 pm:

Thanks all. I mean its great that she is so
smart, but it sure drains you! My husband will even ask me how does she know all this stuff at only 2 years old!

By Annie2 on Tuesday, December 30, 2003 - 08:51 pm:

My 12 year dd was/is this way. We called her our high maintenance baby. She was never satisfied playing her toys, her books, etc. She gravitated toward adult items. She also preferred adult stimuli to engage her. She is still this way.
She would rather sit with the adults (which drives me BONKERS and is strongly persuaded not to do at parties) than play with her peers.
Instead of giving her kid's toys to play with, we started giving her real things to engage her. Like an old keyboard, real hammer with nails or screws in block of wood, she would play at the sink for hours, etc.
Try taking your dd to a "hands on" children's museum and see what peeks her interests...then try to replicate them at home.
It has worked for us.

By Dawnk777 on Wednesday, December 31, 2003 - 01:10 am:

That does sound exhausting! I remember sitting and coloring and drawing shapes and stuff for my daughter when she was 4. It frustrated Hubby sometimes when he would find the house cluttered up and I would be sitting and coloring with the 4yo, but that time passes so quickly and now she is 14.

My kids were able to play by themselves at a fairly early age, so I was lucky. When the 14yo was 7 months old, I went down on the floor to play with her and the look on her face was so funny, like "I really don't need you down here. I'm doing quite fine by myself."

By Trisa on Wednesday, December 31, 2003 - 08:45 am:

Her memory is so great it scary. In July I went back home for a visit and she saw my dad twice. he gave her a stuffed bear. Well 4 months later he had called and she asked me if it was daddy on the phone. I told her no. then she asked is it your daddy. I said yes. Then she says oh its papa, papa gave me a bear! I almost fell over. She was not even 2 1/2 at this time and she put that all together. She really does not even know my dad. My parents got divorced 2 years ago so when we do go home for a visit its hard to see both of them much.

By Truestori on Wednesday, December 31, 2003 - 12:13 pm:


I have been looking into teaching my child to read, and different approaches...She may be ready to learn..Just a thought!

By Trisa on Wednesday, December 31, 2003 - 07:04 pm:

Well she sure likes to look at letters and have me write her name so maybe she wil be an early reader.

By Mommyathome on Wednesday, December 31, 2003 - 09:27 pm:

Trisa, my oldest DD sounds similar. She has an amazing memory. She remembers things from several years ago, and she is only 5. She never ceases to amaze me. She also always wants to be learning and productive, but I have to say she will sit through a movie, or entertain herself for awhile on her own.
I'm sure when your DD is a bit older and learns to play more independently that she will give you a break. She'll just find her own thing to do, however constructive it may be!

By Melissa on Thursday, January 1, 2004 - 07:02 am:

My dd is exactly like that, and having a "gifted" child can be a very challenging thing.
My dd went to a daycare center that was preschool like, in that every room even the baby room they did circle time and interactive stuff. Also what about some stuff at the Y or somewhere like that? Lexi took swimming and a gymnastics class at less than two. You just need to find activities for her. This isn't going to change. At just 6 Lexi does 5 full days of Montessori school, and then after school things, swimming, dance, skiing, and horseback. I feel like that is too much for a kid but it isn't for her, she just read the Y catalog and tried to get us to let her do two more activites.
You are going to have to work at keeping her simulated b/c she is probably going to be way beyond pubic Kindergarten by the time she can go. That is one good thing about Montessori school they aren't interested in grades and ages kids work at their ability. We did that last year b/c Lexi missed the K cut off by a month. She is now doing at least 2nd grade work in what the state says should be her Kindergarten year.

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