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Update on ds potty dilemma

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2003: Update on ds potty dilemma
By Tklinreston on Monday, June 16, 2003 - 11:18 pm:

My ds still has not gone no. 2 in the potty. He is so used to go going no. 2 in his diaper while standing up and holding onto the vanity he has convinced himself that he is unable to push while sitting down. He won't even try to push because he's so afraid and will just hold it. I've tried everything to encourage him but nothing has worked. Has anyone given anything to their dks to give them the urge to go, which is safe and effective? I'm going to give him prune juice everyday but wanted to know if there was something else I could give him to make him go to the bathroom. I'm hoping that a couple of times of "assistance" will do the trick. I am soooo desperate. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

By Tklinreston on Monday, June 16, 2003 - 11:27 pm:

BTW, I read on Dr. Greene's website that Mineral Oil is a good way to soften up stool. Has anyone used this and does it actually give you the urge to go - like a laxative? I'm going to talk w/my dr but was wondering if anyone has had personal experience. Thanks.

By Debbie on Tuesday, June 17, 2003 - 08:43 am:

I had lots of problems with my oldest ds and fear of the potty, constipation, holding it. Mineral Oil is actually not a stimulant, it just keeps the stool soft. However, it will make it easier to go and not allow him to hold it. I would defnintley check with your doctor. We did, and my ped. ended up putting my ds on Miralax. She felt this worked better and was safer then mineral oil. He took this once a day, mixed in juice for several months until he got over his fear of constipation and stopped holding it. He finally became regular and is now fully potty trained. Our problem, was due to my ds holding it in, so I am not real sure how your doctor will handle what your ds is going through. Please, just be careful not to push to much about the potty. I did this and it was the biggest mistake I ever made. It just made matters worse. It took about 6 months to finally get my ds regular and then almost a year before he would fully potty train. I had to just let it go. I did have one rule, he had to go into the bathroom to go. Finally, he just decided it was easier to go in the potty. I read a lot of articles on this while we were struggling with it. One suggested moving in steps. First, get your child in the bathroom to go. Next, have him sit on the potty with his diaper to go. Then, remove his diaper to go. This may help you. Do talk with your doctor. This is so common. Much more, then I thought it was. They have lots of information that can help you.

By Tklinreston on Tuesday, June 17, 2003 - 09:54 pm:

We spoke to the doctor today and she suggested giving him Senokot and prune juice. I agree with not pushing him too much, but my ds has been going through this for over a year now and it seems that the more we don't make an issue of it, the more dependent he is becoming on his diaper. His doctor thinks we should be a bit more "insistent" due to his age (almost four). We have been implementing the "step approach" but he just won't sit down and go in his diaper. At this point, we're going to try the Senokot and prune juice and hope he just won't be able to hold it and will go in the potty. We're hoping that once he sees that it doesn't hurt and he is able to sit down and go, he will overcome his fear. Thank you for your encouraging response, Debbie.

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