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5th grade parents??

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2003: 5th grade parents??
By Conni on Monday, May 12, 2003 - 04:02 pm:

Any 5th grade parents going thru this... My ds just watched his first 'sex ed' film. Really it was just about hormones and facts about the bodies. (boys AND girls bodies) Then they took a tour of the Middle School, and ds has an appt with the band instructor next week to pick out an instrument to play next yr. He got braces in MArch and looks completely older. And he has a girl that calls him all the time. UGH!
OH!! And the school sent home a booklet on 'Talking to your 5th grader about underage drinking' !!!!

This is just a strange time for me as a parent. I dont know if I am ready for all these changes. LOL Like it really matters---because they are happening!!! Part of me is excited for him. But then there is this part of me who wants to stuff him in a closet and not let him out of the house until he is 21. Being a teen is so tough! Being a parent is tough too.

I am just wondering if it is normal to feel so sad about my ds going to middle school one minute and excited for him the next minute. Middle School is nothing like elementary school will I even get to go to the school or is he going to be embarassed of me now. :(

Just needed to whine I guess. HE informed me this morning that he will be driving in 5 yrs. GULP!

By Karen55 on Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 09:15 am:

Conni, what you are feeling is 100% normal! It's just another one of those bittersweet milestones! It's really scary and depressing when you realize you have to address those *more adult* issues with your child - it's pretty much an affirmation (for you, at least) that they *are* growing up, even though you still see them as young kids.

As for going to the school, YES, you WILL get to go. And being embarrassed by your parents being there is a normal reaction on the kids' part, they pretty much all feel that way, so don't let that stop you! The more your presence is known there, the better, IMO. I wish I had been able to be more involved in my kids' school as they got older, but it was near impossible with working full time, and at many times, a second job. I was actually envious of the parents who did volunteer work and had small jobs at the school because they *really* knew what was going on with their kids at school, and the students knew them as so-and-so's mom, etc.

Unfortunately, they all grow up. 5th grade thru 9th grade, and 12th grade were major indicators for me and my kids, and yes, they were both happy and sad. I cried more than my share of tears and I'm sure I embarrassed the kids with them. My last one graduates from high school next week and I can hardly believe it. I've been feeling a little depressed because of it. I'm excited for her because I'm seeing her future with unlimited opportunities and possibilities, yet I'm very sad, because I have to let go, and let her fly on her own.

The best advice I can give you is to stay as involved as you can and enjoy every minute of it, because their childhood passes much too quickly and you only have it in your grasp for a short time.


By Dawnk777 on Sunday, June 22, 2003 - 12:37 am:

I have a 5th grader starting middle school and an 8th grader starting high school in the fall! Argh. We are all done with elementary school now!

I'm excited and sad all at the same time, too! My 13 yo will be 14 in six weeks and she could be driving in only two years.

No boys call up to talk to the girls, although the 11yo got invited to a mixed-sex party at a local golfing place (indoor mini golf).

Yes, childhood is going by way too fast! I'm sure the first high school graduation is going to be here way too fast! Three years of middle school just flew by!

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