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Flu Bug has stuck again! :(

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2003: Flu Bug has stuck again! :(
By Mechelle on Saturday, February 8, 2003 - 12:45 pm:

DD got it good this time..........Poor Baby!!

She came home from school Thursday, just chilled. Wanted her coat on, I talked her into wearing one of my sweat shirts instead....Later on that night she got a mild fever, and coughing.

I gave her nyquil to help with the coughing, and fever, so she could sleep better.

She woke up Friday moring, (no school due to snow) and was perfectly fine, laying around a lot.
No fever.. She'd get up to play, and 1/2 hr later she was on the couch again.

Felt sorry for her. Later on last night, she felt fine, wanted to go eat...No fever, got home, she hit the couch, and she was out. I checked on her off and on, for fever......I went to bed at 11:20 and checked her was 99.9....Didn't think too much about it, set the alarm for 3:15 to check on her again....she woke up at 11:30 PM I heard a faint cry "MOM"....I told Dh fevers scare me, even though she didn't have one when she went to sleep, I heard her cough, and "Mom" again, went in the living room, she's awake and delirious!(sp?) I freaked.....I took her temp, 104.3 I started stripping her down, and getting cold rags, and children's Motrin.... I called the ER, they said I did everything right, it took maybe a minute with no clothes and cold rags to get her temp down to 102....still too high, but not brain damaging. She said she woke up hot, and thats when she hollered for me. I just went to bed too, and checked her temp, was 99.9....and that quick it rose that high!!......Needless to say, Dh got the couch last night, and I slept with her in our bed setting the alarm in case I fell asleep every hour on the hour I was awake and checking her.....luckly no fever struck again......., I held her all night, cried, and prayed, for her to get better. This scares the living crap outta me when my kids get sick, like this..

She's eating now, hopefully she's gettin better.

PLEASE send get well vibes our way!!:)

By Babysitbarb on Saturday, February 8, 2003 - 05:51 pm:

We have passed this stinkin flu bug around also. You have every reason to worry when your kids that high of a fever. My soon to be 14 year old had a seizure at 15mths. from a high fever. She was on Amoxicillian for a ear infection. She had a horrible reaction to it. She stopped breathing during the seizure and the EMT's had to do CPR on her.4 days in the hospital to find out it was a reaction from the medicine. I cringe when people tell me their young kids are on Amoxicillian. She had a rash the day before and was breathing funny when she sleep. I had made many calls to the doctor and they said she was just having a reaction to her MMR shot she had, had the week before. But it didn't turn out to be.Fevers are nothing to mess with.

By Beth on Saturday, February 8, 2003 - 11:24 pm:

I hope your family gets better. It is no fun when kid are sick! That is great that you didn't panic when her fever was so high! I would have been out the door to the hospital. I bet being snug in her bed was some of the problem. But still nothing to mess with. I had a time of me dk's being sick in Dec and Feb I am praying it stays away for a long time!

By Karen55 on Sunday, February 9, 2003 - 08:59 am:

Hope everyone is feeling better today.

By Mechelle on Sunday, February 9, 2003 - 10:59 am:

Me and Dh are dragging! LOL........lack of sleep...but she seems to be doing better.She drank a capri sun this am, and ate a popsicle, ..took her to the ER last night, got her some medicine..So hopefully she will get over this.
Thanks Karen:)

By Colette on Sunday, February 9, 2003 - 11:49 am:

Good luck Mechelle, my youngest had the high temps for just over a week, which was apparently the true influenza which then turned into bronchitis and an ear infection. She still isn't back to normal. She naps now. And she hasn't napped since she was 3 (she's 5.5). They are closing a lot of schools around here because it is getting so bad. I hope your dd is well soon and that you and Dh are not coming down with it.

By Missymelissy on Sunday, February 9, 2003 - 06:15 pm:

{{{{HUGS}}}} to you and your family, I hope this goes away soon.

By Tunnia on Monday, February 10, 2003 - 10:01 am:

I'm glad to hear your dd is getting better. My dd is the queen of high temps. It's not unusual for her to run a 103-104 temp whenever she is ill. What her dr has us do it give her tepid baths whenever her temp gets over 103 and alternate Motrin and Tylenol every three hours until we get it under control. I'm glad you kept your cool and got your dd's fever under control so quickly.

By Sickpuppy on Friday, February 14, 2003 - 08:43 am:

Yes, this flu is a nasty one. I have had a daughter 11 year old down with a fever for SIX days. The fever spikes high around the second day and stays high for about two days. Then SLOWLY it tapers down, and the runny nose and cough gets real bad. Her worst complaint about this whole mess is her sore throat. It is day seven, and her temp is normal this morning, but her throat is still sore.

Now, my other daughter, 13 year old, either has a milder case or a different flu. She has the sore throat (not as severe) runny nose and cough, but her temp shot to 103 the first day, came right down to 100 with Advil, and has not had too much of a temp since then.

I heard that the younger you are, the harder it hits. I think it is just that some kids tend to run higher temps. I don't know, but why the variation (some kids high temps some kids lower temps...also the duration is variable), I wish someone would tell me.

Watch out for pneumonia with this one. Several kids in our school have come down with that after this flu.

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