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Dd sick - any ideas on what it may be?

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2003: Dd sick - any ideas on what it may be?
By Colette on Tuesday, January 28, 2003 - 03:46 pm:

Dd 11, has been complaining of joint pain, on and off headache and has been running a relatively high fever since Saturday. I brought her to the drs on Monday and he found nothing but said if she is still running a fever on Wednesday to bring her back in for some blood tests. Any ideas on what they might be testing her for? Whatever it is, it is definately going around school, there were 8 kids out in her class of 20 kids today and 7 yesterday. Now my 5 yr old dd is coming down with it as well.

By Anonymous on Tuesday, January 28, 2003 - 07:11 pm:

It's probably that nasty flu bug that's going around.My whole family had it this weekend and most of the children I babysit for has had it plus the parents. Now my sister-in-laws family is taking turns having it.Each person seems to be affected differently with it. Some have headaches, throwing up, diareha, stomach cramps, body aches, and low grade fevers. Get well!!!
Lot's of rest and lots of fluids.

By Barbie on Tuesday, January 28, 2003 - 07:12 pm:

Sounds like a virus with maybe sinus infection, it's been going around in Alabama too. Hope she feels better.

By Mechelle on Tuesday, January 28, 2003 - 08:12 pm:

I'd say it's the flu.
It's hit really hard around here, strep throat, and the flu has been going around. There is 3 types of the flu going around here, A) is the stomach cramps, mild fevers, B) Severe cough, higher grade fever, body aches, C) (what I had) all I can say for this one, it gets worse by the day, makes your "blood hurt" needless to say everything hurt, with high fevers, cough, etc.
There's been a few schools shut down for a few days because of the flu bug spreading......I'd say thats what your DD has.

By Colette on Tuesday, January 28, 2003 - 08:35 pm:

yes, I think it is the flu, kind of worry about things like mono, etc with the joint pain. We all just got over the Norwalk virus thing during New Years and now this is hitting. My oldest dd's friend from school called and said 8 kids were out of her class with this today and 7 were out yesterday. My ds said 5 were out of his class today with it. I really hope I don't get it.

By Cybermommyx4 on Tuesday, January 28, 2003 - 10:39 pm:

We've had it here, too......high fever (103+), severe body aches, headache, cough, (one of our four kids had vomiting), 3 of 4 had diarrhea....DH, who never gets sick had fever, etc., too. DD has been running a fever off and on for 12 days now. (her resistance has been down since having surgery in December - she has not really recovered fully yet) Dr. said today that she has swollen glands, sinus infection, throat infection that "looks and acts just like strep, but isn't strep" and tonsillitis. She was put on antibiotics for these "secondary" infections, but the illness was started by a virus. DH and I both got it, and we DID get flu shots this year. They are saying it's not "influenza" because it is of shorter duration than the "typical" real flu. Some schools around here have been closed because of this viral flu-like illness. Hang in there :) Spring WILL come. (Won't it?!)BTW, it was -35 here this morning in Northern NH.....80

By Janet on Wednesday, January 29, 2003 - 04:55 pm:

I had this flu thing for four days--no vomiting or diarrhea (thank goodness), but my entire body hurt and I had severe congestion and absolutely no energy. About the third day I got a fever. Then, it just "went away!" Strangest thing I've ever had, I think. Anyway, that's what I'd say it probably is. Dontcha just love winter?

By Kernkate on Wednesday, January 29, 2003 - 05:14 pm:

How is she doing today??We all here had the flu thing.:(..I had severe body aches..never know I had so many parts to my body and a fever..This was Christmas Eve I had it. The week before that DS had the vomiting,diarrhea and a fever with his. And then on New Years Eve DH came down with it. He had both mine and DS combined. What an awful holiday season we had. I bet your DD has the same..
I hope she is feeling better:)

By Colette on Wednesday, January 29, 2003 - 05:37 pm:

We had that Norwalk thing the week of New Years, and I hope I NEVER get that again. This is different, probably just the flu, joint pain, headache, fever, coughing and stuffy nose. My older dd stayed home today, but she is getting better, just seems really worn out. My youngest (5) scared me, her temp was going up, so I put her to bed, it wasn't time for tylenol, when I went up to check on her, she had one eye open and one eye shut and the one that was opened was glazed over and she was drooling. Her temp was 104.6. Scared the life out of me when I walked in there. I got it down a little bit, but she won't be going anywhere tomorrow but to the living room to lay on the couch. Ds, Dh, and I have not gotten it. Dh even managed to dodge the bullet on that nasty norwalk thing. My oldest dd's friend called yesterday and said there were 7 kids out one day and 8 out the next from her class. So it must be going around.. I can't wait for winter to be over!

By Mechelle on Wednesday, January 29, 2003 - 09:59 pm:

(((((((hugs))))))))))) wow!!!
I sure hope things get better for you!
This *bug* that is going around is terrible.
Get well vibes headed your way!

By Colette on Tuesday, February 11, 2003 - 03:49 pm:

Keep the vibes coming. Dd (11) is still sick and is losing weight. They did a bunch of blood tests today and I should have the results by Thursday at the latest. Please keep your fingers crossed.

By Karen55 on Tuesday, February 11, 2003 - 05:17 pm:

Crossed fingers here.....I hope they figure it out soon.

By Feona on Tuesday, February 11, 2003 - 05:36 pm:

Hope she feels better soon!

By Mechelle on Tuesday, February 11, 2003 - 09:17 pm:

Oh man!!

Sending vibs your way, sure hope she feels better soon!!

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