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What does pin worms look like?

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2003: What does pin worms look like?
By Mechelle on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 11:17 pm:

I'm worried!
My Ds has a crusty like oval red scab on the side of his belly.
It's been there since the end of Summer.
I never thought anything about it until now.
He got some pretty bad road rash (learning how to ride his bike, and purposely falling off)
Well, the last *accident* was a doozie!
Ds says the scab is from his road rash. He did get pretty skinned up on the side of his belly, but.... No. It can't be, I got to looking at it tonight, it's as red as can be, and crusty, and I seen him itching it. I looked everywhere else, thats the only place that he has it.
I feel awful. Cause it has been there so long, but I honestly thought it was a scar/scab from his bad case of road rash until now.
Feel like a bad Mom for not paying more attention:(

By Palmbchprincess on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 12:33 am:

I have no idea about pinworms, but wanted to let you know you shouldn't feel bad. We're human and make mistakes. Guilt is the curse of motherhood. Maddie was crying the other night and I did everything but check her diaper, and now she has a BAD diaper rash. I cried I felt so bad about it. But we learn and grow from mistakes. I'm going to search google for pinworms and let you know what I find.

By Palmbchprincess on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 12:58 am:

Ok, pinworms are intestinal and symptoms are rectal itching. Are you thinking roundworm? That's a fungal infection and it sounds like that could be it. I looked it up on WebMD and got this.
I'm sorry I don't know how to post hyperlinks, but you can copy and paste!

Hope that helps! Good luck!!!

By Palmbchprincess on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 12:59 am:

Oh cool it did it for me!!!!!

By Dana on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 07:33 am:

Ring worm, not round or pin worm.

And ring worm isnt even a worm LOL.

Besides the terms, I couldn't be much more help. I just remember not being allowed to play in the gutters after a rain cause it would "give you ring worms"

If there is a scab that hasn't gone away, regardless, you should take him to the dr. Then you will know for sure adn he will get the treatment. (but you already knew that :))

By Kaye on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 08:48 am:

I have dealt with both of these. Ringworm is a fungal infection and is treated with Lotrim AF. It is very circular in pattern with an open center. I would guess it just sounds a touch infected. I am not a doc, but have you tried putting neosporine on it? If you have been treating it with something and it is no better get to the doc just to be safe. As for pinworms, they show up in your bottom at night...totally gross!

By Tunnia on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 08:55 am:

Ringworm looks like a round red rash that is kind of crusty around the edges and clearer skin in the middle. My dd one spot last year and it turned out to be ringworm. I had never seen it before and we don't have a clue how she got it. I do remember that it seemed to take quite a while to get rid of it and she said it itched.

Ringworm is not a worm, it's a fungus.

Pinworms are an intestinal parasite and they are little white worms, but you would find them around the anus, not on the side of the belly.

By Karen55 on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 09:16 am:

All true above. I will add this, ringworm can be carried on pets, or can be gotten from other children. You need an anti fungal cream like Tinactin or something to get rid of it. Many people use tea tree oil. If you have pets, check them for ringworm, the hair should be patchy/missing in the area of the ringworm. On other kids, you'd see something just like described above.

By Jodes on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 10:22 am:

It could also be exzema, last year my son had a perfectly round red ring on the inside part of his arm, right where it bends at the elbow, I thought for sure it was ring worm because of the shape, but the doctor said it was exzema, I definately agree with everyone else, have it looked at, and stop being so hard on yourself!

By Marymary on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 10:24 am:

Speaking as a person who has had both...pinworm come from the (bottom side) shall we say, not to be graphic but you can actually feel the "worm" moving, and they are expelled with feces (you can see them with a flashlight)...having also had ring worm that is more what you are looking at...I obtained mine from working at the local animal shelter....I don't believe it can be treated with something like Tinactin or over the counter medication ( I may be wrong), mine was gotten rid of by a medication that actually felt like it was burning when put on...GO TO YOUR DR if it's lasted this long there is not point in trying to get rid of it yourself....they can do a skin scraping and tell you exactly what it is.

I have heard tree tea oil does wonders for all sorts of things, but my personal opinion would be that you don't go this road right now.

Let us know what you end up finding out.

By Palmbchprincess on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 11:05 am:

LOL thanks Dana! I got the link right but put round worm on here... trying to do to many things at once last night. LOL I would hope no one has roundworm!!!

By Mechelle on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 11:54 am:

LOL.......I was half asleep last night, posting.
It was ring worm, not pin worm! LOL. I know what pin worms are, and have had them before, thats what I get for posting and thinking when I am really exhausted! lol!
I went through some of my files this am....and thats what he is got.(I'm not a Doc. but thats what I think anyway) He's got every symptom right down to it. He's got an appt. for Mon. I'm gonna get some Blue Star Ointment too.......

Yes, I did put some triple antibotic ointment on it when I first seen it. It didn't do any good, I brushed it off as *road rash*....dummy me. Poor kid. I noticed it didn't go away, and never did put 2+2 together until last night.

I've been keeping an eye on it. It hasn't gotten bigger, or anything. Just really yucky looking.
I hope it isn't ring worm.
Thanks everyone!! For all your help, and info!!

By Mechelle on Monday, January 20, 2003 - 11:33 pm:

Ds has a fungus on his skin. Now, how in the world did he get this and not spread it to anyone, or throughout his entire body??
I don't understand.
He's not sopposed to share bath towels with anyone.
Him and DD have shared bath towels off and on, when he's had this thing. I never thought anything of it until tonight.
But anyway, the Dr. prescribed some "Blue Star Ointment, which is good for just about everything.
I put some on him tonight, he said it itched like crazy after I put the ointment on there.......So hopefully it's doing it's job.

By Marymary on Tuesday, January 21, 2003 - 11:41 am:

Mechelle you said

I put some on him tonight, he said it itched like crazy after I put the ointment on there.......So hopefully it's doing it's job.

(my response)
Please make sure his nails are trimmed short and that he uses an anti bacterial hand soap doubt if it's realy itchy he will have to is surprising that this thing didn't get spread throughout your household...good luck and I hope it disappears quickly.....did the Dr. by chance say where he might have picked it up???

By Mechelle on Tuesday, January 21, 2003 - 12:10 pm:

No need for nail clippers around Ds. He chews his nails.........YUCCKKKK!! I've tried and tired to get him to stop, but what can ya do.
All I use in this house is antibacterial soap.
He's a fanactic when it comes to clean hands.:)
No worries!!
Heck no!! The Doc, didn't say where or how he could have got that there.
He had road rash there, but I don't think a scrape could cause that.......

By Marymary on Tuesday, January 21, 2003 - 03:01 pm:


Sounds exactly like my nine yr old daughter, I am surprised that she even has any fingernails left...I always catch her chewing on them especially in front of the tv...I have promised to tie her hands behind her back, which is a bit kinder than my mom who said she would put "horse poo" on them if I kept on chewing how times have changed...LOL...thank goodness!!!

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