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Tonsilectomy ...sighs and she is 16

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2003: Tonsilectomy ...sighs and she is 16
By Jewlz on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 11:39 pm:

she is so embarrassed and so ready... the dr said she will be home 10-14 days ... and on the 24 th he will remove them wanted to take them out this friday but she has winter formal on saturday ...told him if we hadnt invested like 300 bucks in her going already that would be ok with me lol she just said MOTHER!!!lolhe said ok but have to do it soon cus dont want her to have another bout of tonsilitice before they come out ... she been sick 70 days out of the last nine months and 5 times of that was with strep ... so he said it will come again soon ... just hope that allergies dont get worse with her like my sons did worried about this but darned if u do darned if u dont ....

By Cheekymama on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 02:30 am:

I had mine out at 13 and it wasn't bad. I'd get tonsilitis and strep several times a year as a kid and haven't had either one since I had my tonsils removed (I'm 34 now). I think the allergy thing with your son was probably just coincidence.

By Karen55 on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 07:52 am:

Jewlz, this should make a big improvement in her health overall. Make sure she listens to everything the Dr. tells her to do post-surgery. Good luck.

By Dana on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 06:07 pm:

Oh my.

I sure hope my DD's ENT tells us to remove hers. Thankfully she is only 4. Her appt is Feb 25. Good timing. I cant think of any big days/celebrations going on in Feb or March.

DH still has his and also had strep growing up. So sorry your daughter is going thru this at her age. Poor thing. Hope it all goes well.

By Jenn on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 07:17 pm:

I will be 25 in Feb. and my doctor wants mine removed. I am thinking about doing it because he told me that it will benefit me in the long run. I have the allergies and asthma and getting them out should help. My DD is going to be 4 and they want to do the same to her because of the same reasons, allergies and asthma. Post how everything goes.

By Karen55 on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 09:39 pm:

I had mine out at age 5. Jeff was sick from the day he was born until he had his out. He was 3-1/2 y/o when his were removed. He had constant ear infections, tonsilitis, strep, poor baby was just always sick. At that time the ped. told us that if the child had tonsilitis/strep more than 8 times in an 18 month period they would remove them. He is 19 now; when he was a baby, they were in this *don't remove the tonsils* mindset. Well, he had tonsilitis/strep 9 times in 14 months. Got to the point where he would be on the antibiotic, get off of it, and 2 weeks later we were right back in the peds office. He has rarely been sick since then, and I mean rarely. The older you are, the harder it is on you, meaning the recovery is usually more painful, and you have a greater chance of post-surgery bleeding from the site. Jenn, if you have it done, I'm sure it will help your overall health in the long run, but be especially careful post-surgery. I have several friends who had theirs out as adults, and they have been fine since then. Jewlz, stock up on popsicles and stuff like that. They should give her pain meds to go home with; talk to her Dr. about this beforehand, and ask him to prescribe liquid ones, such as tylenol with codeine, or advil with codeine; it will be much easier for her to swallow than a pill. They may plan that anyway, but it can't hurt to ask. From what I remember, it's a liquid, then very soft diet for several days, like puddings, soup, jello, mashed potatoes.
Good luck!

By Mechelle on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 10:11 pm:

Dunno what to say, I've been skimming this post, but good luck to you and your Daughter (((((HUGS)))))))

By Barbie on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 11:01 pm:

I had my out at 15, it's stuff but she'll feel alot better after . My sister was 18 when she had her's out, she did real well. God Bless

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