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Help, please, finding resources for learning disabled child

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2003: Help, please, finding resources for learning disabled child
By Ginnyk on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 06:14 pm:

A co-worker has a 5 year old, kindergarten son who has Tourtettes (mild), is hyperactive, and is extremely - and I do mean extremely - bright. He is also more than a bit spoiled. In addition, he has had chronic ear and sinus infections, tubes, surgery for his ears, and some gastrointestinal problems.

She has a really good neurologist who is advising her that he does not want to start her son on meds for the Tourettes because at present it is very mild, and the meds would have a really depressive effect.

However, because of a combination of hyperactivity and being so darned bright (and spoiled), the child is getting into trouble at school, and is also actually having learning problems which I think are related to an inability to focus on anything for very long. She called a recommended pediatrician who specializes in developmental disabilities today, only to learn that (a) he is not part of her insurance program and (b) has a fee of $600 up front for an evaluation!

Does anyone have links to potential resources for her in Southern New Jersey or the Philadelphia area? She would prefer to avoid medications if that is possible

She is a really great mother (despite spoiling her children somewhat), very involved with them, very concerned, and really beginning to feel desperate. Besides which, she is a great co-worker and makes my life much easier on a daily basis. By and large, Southern New Jersey has a really excellent public school system and it sounds like the teacher is really trying to work with her and is sincerely concerned about this young man.

By Palmbchprincess on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 06:28 pm:

I went to school in Burlington county and you are right about the excellent schools. I have no resources for you but think your co-worker should call the district she lives in for help. I know the Lenape regional school district has excellent resources, I've just never explored them. Sorry I couldn't be of more help!

By Shellyg on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 10:10 pm:

A bit off subject here, but I ran into a guy I went to high school with that had Tourettes. He use to scream out loud, and his face would twitch. He is such a great guy, no one even noticed when he did it. Well a few years went by when I saw him and he had not had any signs of Tourettes since a year out of high school.

By Beth on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 03:44 pm:

Tell your friend to look in the yellow pages under social services. My son was in a program through Easter Seals. It was actually before he turned 3 and then the school district picks up here. Her school should really be helping her. They probably have therapy in school that he could qualify for. But Social Service angencies are a good place to check. Sometimes if they don't do that particular work. They will have a list of resources. Good Luck. Let me know what happens. My sister is moving to Philly and her son was and is being tested for autism. She will be going through the similiar process.

By Ginnyk on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 06:53 pm:

Hey Beth - Philly is where I am - or just outside Philly. And as I have said elsewhere, my oldest son was diagnosed as autistic. Please give youir sister my email address - I'd be happy to be a friend and possible resource for her.

By Marcia on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 11:58 pm:

If this little guy is so bright, I would guess that his problems could partially be caused a program that isn't challenging enough. Boredom often causes bright or gifted kids to have behaviour problems at school.
Tourette's doesn't cause learning disabilities, and either does ADHD. They can, however, make it harder to concentrate.
My best friend's son was on meds, for many years, for very mild Tourettes. It did help his tics, but made him gain lots of weight, and had him partially doped.
She might want to try essential fatty acids for concenration. I know people who swear by it. I've just started Nicole on it, for attention. It hasn't been long enough for me to say whether or not it's made a big difference.

By Beth on Friday, January 17, 2003 - 01:53 pm:

GinnyK, That would be great. I will keep that in mind when my sister gets settled out there. Her husband is actually leaving today. He has to find them a place to live. Its a really screwed up story. They shouldn't in my opionion really be going out there. They just had there second child two weeks ago. My oldest nephew, the one with possible autism, is 18 months. My sister completely has her hands full and to top it off there moving several states away from there only help. My parents are in Indiana and I am in Illinois. So any help or a friend she could find would be great! I know it will be several weeks before she is actually out there herself. But I let you know. Thanks again.

By Ginnyk on Friday, January 17, 2003 - 06:57 pm:

Beth, if she emails me now I can give her my phone number and maybe give hubby some ideas on neighborhoods to look at. The people in my office cover a wide area of Philadelphia and suburbs. And once he settles on a neighborhood, we can probably help find good links to doctors, etc., especially a pediatrician with experience with autistic or possibly autistic children. I originally came from Chicago, and it is a major transition to come here. BTW, my husband moved out here in March, our 2nd child was born in May, and I and the 2 kids (age 5 yrs months, and 4 months) came in September. So I do understand.

Personally, I love living in the Philadelphia area but it is very different from the Middle West. And getting information from someone who remembers the transition may make it a bit easier.

By Beth on Saturday, January 18, 2003 - 08:50 am:

I don't think she has email access right now. She went to stay with my parents as of yesterday and they don't have internet. But I do. So I will give you my email address and if you want to send your number I will pass it along. That is so funny that you lived near Chicago. I live in Kankakee which is an hour south. My email is
Thanks, again. Just out of curiosity how old was your son when he was diagnosed? My nephew is only 18 months rather young. But they are concerned because he regressed and stopped talking much after his 12 month shots. They are also looking at the fact that he is really hyper, he doesn't appear to connect words with there meaning and he might have sensory deprivation? On the plus side he interacts with others which I know can be a problem with kids with autism and he is generally very happy. I guess its for the experts to decide. He was getting therapy three time a week in Indy. So it will be important to hook him up soon. I know they have given her some information on who to contact. My concern was that they wouldn't have the amount of free progamming that they do in Illinois and Indiana. Well I guess that is enough questions for now. Thanks again.

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