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Potty Training:)

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2003: Potty Training:)
By Tunnia on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 09:35 am:

I started potty training when ds turned 2 (he'll be 3 in April) and until three weeks ago he really had very little interest. He would use the potty occasionally for a week or so and then not at all for a month or two. Well, three weeks ago he decided that he was going to start pooping in the potty and hasn't had a poop accident since then. Hurray! Peeing is another story. So far he has only peed in the potty a couple times a day, but he did really great yesterday with only one accident and then woke up dry this morning and went straight to the potty. I think there's a chance I may get him potty trained by his third birthday afterall. I can't be more thrilled! Thanks for letting me share!

By Missymelissy on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 11:44 am:

WOOOHOOO!! Isn't it great when kids start getting the hang of things. :)

By Pammyt on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 11:45 am:

Yippee Skippee!!! Horray!!

I'm so happy for you and DS. My DD was finally potty trained at 3+. Still has accidents, but they are rare.

By Mechelle on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 11:47 am:

I'm happy for him!!!dancing

By Mommyof4 on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 02:33 pm:

I know how you feel. My youngest was potty trained just a few weeks before her 3rd birthday. She wasn't really too interested in it and got mad at us if we asked her if she had to use the potty or tried to get her to sit on it. About two months ago we got a call from preschool that they had an opening for her in January but she HAD to be potty trained or she couldn't go. Going to "big girl school" is all she has talked about since our 5 year old started Kindergarten this year. Once she had a motivator to use the potty it seemed to "click" for her overnight. She is dry at night as well.

By Laurazee on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 11:39 pm:

Glad to hear it! My ds is just about to turn two, so this is just around the corner for us, as well.

We bought a potty, but ds couldn't be less interested except to take it apart and throw it in the bathtub.

How long did it take before he showed interest, and/or tried? I'm pretty sure my ds is far from ready, but I'm curious as to how long it takes from "potty arrives" to "potty is useful."

By Tunnia on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 11:32 am:

Well, I guess I should have just kept my big mouth shut because after I posted yesterday ds decided to quit using the potty again. He even pooped in his pants last night for the first time in three weeks! He has refused to use the potty at all since about noon yesterday. I just hope this is a little regression and doesn't last for more than a day or two. What goes through their little minds? I just don't get it! Oh well, back to square one! I'm still hopeful that he will be potty trained by the time he is three.

Laurazee, I introduced the potty at 18 months with both of my children to get them used to seeing it and having it in the bathroom. My dd used it once the first day we got it and then decided to have nothing to do with it after that until she was almost two. The day after she turned two I told her that she was a big girl and was going to start putting her pee-pee and poo-poo in the potty and I got her a book and a movie called "Once Upon a Potty for Her". She showed interest right away and was completely trained by the end of the week and has only had three accidents since (during times when she was sick) and she is now almost 7. I did the same thing with Ds, but there was no interest until he was two and then only mild interest depending on his mood until three weeks ago then, Bam!, he was really interested in being a big boy and using the potty, but today he could care less again. Good luck with your ds. I hope he's easier to train than mine is. LOL

By Eve on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 06:13 pm:

Oh goodness, Laura I am right there with you. Sydney will be 2 in a couple of months! Eeeks. I know now she is NOT ready. She is just now starting to realize that the puddle comes from her body. LOL! I've had the potty and she used to sit on it, but now she likes the bunny to sit, She even gets the TP and wipes the bunny. It's cute. I don't plan on forcing it. I'm hoping my ped. will have some good insight at her 2 year checkup! LOL! Like a miracle!

Hang in there, Stacy! I hope things get back on track soon!

By Tunnia on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 09:26 am:

Well, it was only a little regression, thank goodness. Will started using the potty again last night and is still using it today. Yipee!!!

Laura and Eve, if you don't think your kids are ready yet, then don't push it. I was so lucky with my dd training so early and easily and I was hoping my ds would be the same, but no such luck. I made the potty available early on, but didn't push the issue and once they started showing signs that they were ready, then I really encouraged them to use the potty, but still did not push. I see no reason to turn potty training into a power struggle where no one wins. And Eve, that it too cute about the bunny!

By Steve on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 12:19 pm:

This reminds me of my 3yr old DD.. she is doing so awesome now, using the potty and not having accidents. She is so proud to be wearing big girl panties. :)

I never pushed her, everyone says you can't. I think it would make them just resent it and make it take even longer.

Congrats on on your DS's progress!!! Just think how much money you will save too... those diapers are so not cheep!!

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