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Speaking of drs...

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2003: Speaking of drs...
By Janet on Monday, January 6, 2003 - 05:07 pm:

Mechelle's post made me want to share my own dr frustration story. Last spring, dd (12) hurt her Achille's tendon playing volleyball. She also dances ballet, so this was a really big deal. We took her to the pediatrician, I'd never dealt with a sports injury before, and was told "ibuprofen and ice." So, for the next three months (well into summer), my dd did the roller coaster thing with her very painful injury. It'd get better, then she'd go to camp and it was hurting again. Etc. Well, it finally went away. That is, until a few weeks ago, when volleyball started again. This time, instead of wasting time at the ped's, I took her to a chiropractor who specializes in sports injuries. He said unless the cause of the tendon being repeatedly injured was dealt with, she'd just go on having pain and possibly doing major damage. Within a week and a half of him treating her, she was feeling no pain and able to resume her activities. He is seeing her 2x a week for another month, then she'll move to maintenance treatment. It was nothing short of amazing.

By Karen55 on Monday, January 6, 2003 - 06:14 pm:

Janet, kudos to you! From my own experiences, I would go straight to a chiropractor or sports medicine/orthopedist for anything like that. Not that I don't love the ped. we have used since my kids were born, but for physical injuries, I've found it's better to go to someone who really knows their stuff. Glad to hear she's doing so much better.

By Dana on Monday, January 6, 2003 - 09:10 pm:

Good for you!

I have a story too :)

The last time I took DD to the ped, I was suspecting pin worms cause she had been playing in a pile of sand. The dr never even checked her private areas. Only listened to me and prescribed medicine for pinworms and yeast.

This was not the first time I got "stuck" with this dr. Of the 4 times I had seen him, it was very similar...not even looking at the area in question.

So this past visit, DD was pretty sick with tonsilits. there were no other drs available. So, I went ahead w/ the appt, and actually spoke up to the dr. Luckily my mom was there, and I had her take DD out of the room so I could speak w/ the dr before he saw her. I explained I was concerned about the lack of "hands on" exam (also made sure they didn't think I had a thing about male drs touching my DD..I kinda got that feeling the office may have assumed that cause twice they have said something about a "female dr" doing the exam).

I felt so much better after speaking with him. We have now seen him twice and he is much more thorough...or at least is looks that way now LOL.

As hard as it was to talk to this dr face to face about my concerns, I came home feeling so good about it!

By Jewlz on Monday, January 6, 2003 - 10:23 pm:

wow good for dana and janet ... sometimes its hard to stand up and go a different direction ... hi 5 to u both ...

By Mechelle on Monday, January 6, 2003 - 10:39 pm:

See what I mean?!
Great!! glad you both stood your ground, and got the job done.

By Palmbchprincess on Monday, January 6, 2003 - 11:51 pm:

I have 2 stories to add...
When I was a young teen I would get sinus infections 4-6 times a year. My mom would call the DR and instead of seeing me he would just call in a prescription for these 2 antibiotics. My dad who is a bike officer, got a rash from being in the woods and it was spreading under his bullet proof vest, and they wouldn't make a real attempt to find out what it was. So my mom is mad and transfers me to my sister's ped. He tells me they never should have been diagnosing something like that over the phone. He gave me a script for something else and I've never had a problem since.
And now, my DH goes to sickcall for his mood problems, with a referral from his therapist, and they let some medic decide he doesn't need to see a psych. The medic isn't even a college grad, and is the same rank as my DH, but they give him the authority to decide who sees a dr, over the judgement of a LSW. It's BS! So all said, CONGRATS on the progress!!!! Down with the HMO's and their crappy docs!!!!

By Jewlz on Tuesday, January 7, 2003 - 12:59 am:

i took my son into emergency room thinkin he had a seveere case of chicken pox and that something wasnt right ... and when i got there a dr came in and said what is he doin in here and a nurse said he has chicken pox needs to be looked at ...he said get him out if he has chicken pox and dismissed him without lookin at him ... i took him to get a shake only thing he could eat cuz it was cold on his throat ... and took him to his allergiest and he said had i waited 12 more hours he would have had to admit him to the hospitol... he was swellin inside out from a med that i was givin him religiously ...sighs ... and he broke out with lil blisters all over ... everyone around us had chicken pox but him ... sighs he got them when he was in the 6 th grade .... lol from his baby sister

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