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You have to look behind you, before backing up!

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive September 2007: You have to look behind you, before backing up!
By Dawnk777 on Friday, August 31, 2007 - 04:22 pm:

I was just out running an errand and came home to Gary's car in the driveway. He was at work, but had just stopped home for something, probably on his way out to the fairgrounds to take pictures for work.

Anyway, his back-up lights are on and I start honking. He keeps on coming. I honk and honk and honk, but he backs into my car, anyway! Fortunately, it wasn't very fast and even though there was contact between our cars, no damage was done. I was freaking out, in the car, though. I didn't really want to back up, back into the street, either. Yikes.

So, even if it's your own driveway, weird things can happen, and you still need to look! All I can say is better him than me! LOL! He sure was off in his own little world!

By Wandilu on Friday, August 31, 2007 - 10:26 pm:

Oh My !!!! That takes on a whole new meaning of "guess who I ran in to today !" :) Glad ya'll are alright.

By Dawnk777 on Saturday, September 1, 2007 - 02:14 am:

It sure does! LOL!

By Karen~admin on Saturday, September 1, 2007 - 08:25 am:

Dawn, years ago, my oldest friend in Gainesville,GA, lived in a very hilly area; their house was high on a hill, the driveway was steep down to the street. Her parents were backing down the driveway and one hit the other. Of course, it was no biggie - her dad owned a car dealership! LOL

It can happen to anyone!

By Dawnk777 on Saturday, September 1, 2007 - 09:45 am:

LOL! Yikes! I know we get preoccupied with the things going on in our lives. I'm just glad we didn't cause any damage to each other.

By Kaye on Saturday, September 1, 2007 - 09:52 am:

When we were moving from cinci to here I had a similiar incident.

Hubby had been gone for over a month, just me and the kiddos had been taking care of showing the house. About 40 shows later we get calls that we have 3 shows in one day, all back to back. So I am trying to do dinners and soccer games, etc. I realize no one is at my house I pop in, grab something and realize there is one realtor that hasn't made it yet. So I go to the store. It is now 8:30 pm, a school night. I go home, still no show, maybe they cancelled, right? So I toss my kids in the shower, no sooner does the door bell ring. So I make my kids hop out, toss jammies on them, scoot them out to the van, which is parked in the garage, can you hear the stress? So I open the garage, I look and see two cars on the street in front of the house (so I think realtor and couple). So I am going to just ride around the hood, I back up, and pop. The realtor drives this very tiny cute sports car that was pulled up to the garage door, right behind my van. I couldn't see it from inside the car due to the angle on the driveway. YIKES. I pretty much just cried :)

Anyway...this is a great post. If you are ever just curious, go sit in your car and have your kids walk behind you (don't start the car), you will be amazed at how far back they can be and that you can't see them. It is very very important that when you are getting into your car that you actually look behind your car before getting into it. With a minivan and an suv, if things are tall enough you can't see them. This is our newest safety epidemic, lots of kids are being backed over.

By Amecmom on Saturday, September 1, 2007 - 10:19 am:

My van (and my husband's car) have rear sonar. Before I had it, I poo-pooed it - who needs that, right? Well - I'll tell you - I think it's saved me at least twice while backing up in parking lots. I really love it.

By Dawnk777 on Saturday, September 1, 2007 - 11:05 am:

Yeah, that would be nice! When the dog is outside, I always make sure she is with someone, before I move the car. When I was a kid, I knew of someone who backed over her dog. Jasmine herself, is pretty savvy about moving cars, but I want to make sure. When I'm outside and Gary is moving, I either take Jasmine way out into the yard, or she sits on the porch with me. We have sedans and my kids are big, so I don't worry about them, but I can't see the dog behind the car. I figure if I can see the dog, from where I'm sitting, because someone is watching her, or holding onto her collar, then I know I won't hit her.

At the farm, where we go to our knitting group on Thursday nights, we've befriended a kitten and he is always hanging out by our car, when we leave! The last 2 weeks, Sarah has held the cat, while I back the car out, so we know we aren't going to run it over. The yard is fairly dark and this is still a small cat. I would never see it! This cat loves to be held and purrs immediately. I would feel horrible if I got it with the car.

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