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Fever and eye pain

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Fever and eye pain
By Tklinreston on Tuesday, September 2, 2008 - 10:26 am:

I am very concerned abt Jordan (5) who gets virusus nearly once or twice a month. He just suddenly gets a high fever usually not accompanied by coughs or runny noses and rarely stomach issues... just high fever (arnd 103 and continues on for 3-5 days). Also his eyes ALWAYS bother him as well... pain and sensitivity to light. We had a blood test done and his white blood cells are normal. Drs attribute it to him starting preschool late and so he hasn't built up his immune system. Still I am extremely concerned abt the frequency and his eyes bothering him every time he has a fever. Any words of advice from moms who have experience this would be so helpful. By the way, he's only had strep once and ear infection three times.

By Ginny~moderator on Tuesday, September 2, 2008 - 10:56 am:

I would think about seeing a pediatric opthalmologist, or a neurologist with experience in opthalmology issues. I am concerned about the pain in his eyes, as well as the sensitivity to light. It may be the fever causing the feeling of pain in his eyes, but the sensitivity to light sounds like something that comes with migraines. This whole "fever of unexplained origin" is something I went through with Scott for a year when he was about 4 or 5. Saying "virus" just means that they don't know what's causing it and antibiotics won't help. Scott went through a whole battery of tests and they still came down to "fever of unexplained origin". It did go away after about a year, but was sure scary when it was happening, at least once a month and somtimes twice. He never said anything about his eyes hurting, as I recall, just high fevers and general awfulness, no cough, no runny nose. All we could do was treat the symptoms - aspirin, sponge baths, pushing fluids, etc. Sponge baths and getting him into a tepid bath every couple of hours really helped keep the fever down, which is your major concern. Lots of sleepless nights, as I wanted to wake up every couple of hours to check his temp, sponge him down, push fluids and get the aspirin in on schedule.

By Tklinreston on Thursday, September 4, 2008 - 12:39 pm:

Thanks Ginny for your advice. I too was thinking about taking him to an opthamologist. Well. his fever from this past weekend was due to strep and he's on antibiotics. As for his eye pain, the doc checked for protein level in his urine (possible cause they said) but it came back normal. Jordan just started kindegarten and had to miss the 1st two days of school but is in school today. He is feeling much better. Thanks again.

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